Cannot apt-get remove vsftp after installing it

I installed vsftpd.

sudo apt-get remove vsftpd

I installed vsftpd.

sudo apt-get remove vsftpd



Remove a normal user

If the option
is given, the group won’t be removed if it has any members left.

Remove a user from a specific group


—conf FILE
Use FILE instead of the default files
Remove a group. This is the default action if the program is invoked
Display brief instructions.
Suppress progress messages.
Only delete if user/group is a system user/group. This avoids
accidentally deleting non-system users/groups. Additionally, if the
user does not exist, no error value is returned. This option is mainly
for use in Debian package maintainer scripts.
Only remove if no members are left.
Backup all files contained in the userhome and the mailspool-file to a file named
/$user.tar.bz2 or /$user.tar.gz.
Place the backup files not in / but in the directory specified by this parameter. This implicitly sets —backup also.
Remove the home directory of the user and its mailspool. If —backup is specified,
the files are deleted after having performed the backup.
Remove all files from the system owned by this user. Note: —remove-home does
not have an effect any more. If —backup is specified, the files are deleted after
having performed the backup.
Display version and copyright information.


The action was successfully executed.
The user to delete was not a system account. No action was performed.
There is no such user. No action was performed.
There is no such group. No action was performed.
Internal error. No action was performed.
The group to delete is not empty. No action was performed.
The user does not belong to the specified group. No action was performed.
You cannot remove a user from its primary group. No action was performed.
The required perl-package ‘perl modules’ is not installed. This package is required to perform the requested actions. No action was performed.
For removing the root account the parameter «—force» is required. No action was performed.


Optional custom add-ons.


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Remove a normal user

If the option
is given, the group won’t be removed if it has any members left.

Remove a user from a specific group


—conf FILE
Use FILE instead of the default files
Remove a group. This is the default action if the program is invoked
Display brief instructions.
Suppress progress messages.
Only delete if user/group is a system user/group. This avoids
accidentally deleting non-system users/groups. Additionally, if the
user does not exist, no error value is returned. This option is mainly
for use in Debian package maintainer scripts.
Only remove if no members are left.
Backup all files contained in the userhome and the mailspool-file to a file named
/$user.tar.bz2 or /$user.tar.gz.
Place the backup files not in / but in the directory specified by this parameter. This implicitly sets —backup also.
Remove the home directory of the user and its mailspool. If —backup is specified,
the files are deleted after having performed the backup.
Remove all files from the system owned by this user. Note: —remove-home does
not have an effect any more. If —backup is specified, the files are deleted after
having performed the backup.
Display version and copyright information.


The action was successfully executed.
The user to delete was not a system account. No action was performed.
There is no such user. No action was performed.
There is no such group. No action was performed.
Internal error. No action was performed.
The group to delete is not empty. No action was performed.
The user does not belong to the specified group. No action was performed.
You cannot remove a user from its primary group. No action was performed.
The required perl-package ‘perl modules’ is not installed. This package is required to perform the requested actions. No action was performed.
For removing the root account the parameter «—force» is required. No action was performed.


Optional custom add-ons.





Add a normal user

The range specified in the configuration file may be overridden with the

0 if
is specified
1 if neither
is specified
2 if
is specified

Add a user group

A GID will be chosen from the range specified for system GIDS in the
configuration file (FIRST_GID, LAST_GID). To override that mechanism you can give the GID using the

Add a system group

addgroup is called with the
—system option, a system group will be added.

A GID will be chosen from the range specified for system GIDS in the
configuration file (FIRST_SYSTEM_GID, LAST_SYSTEM_GID). To override that mechanism you can give the GID using the

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Add an existing user to an existing group


—conf FILE
Use FILE instead of
Do not run passwd to set the password. The user won’t be able to use
her account until the password is set.
Like —disabled-login, but logins are still possible (for example using
SSH RSA keys) but not using password authentication.
By default, user and group names are checked against the configurable
regular expression
specified in the configuration file. This option forces
to apply only a weak check for validity of the name.
is described in
—gecos GECOS
Set the gecos field for the new entry generated.
will not ask for finger information if this option is given.
—gid ID
When creating a group, this option forces the new groupid to be the
given number. When creating a user, this option will put the user in
that group.
When combined with
a group with the same name and ID as the system user is created.
If not combined with
a group with the given name is created. This is the default action if
the program is invoked as
Display brief instructions.
—home DIR
Use DIR as the user’s home directory, rather than the default specified by the
configuration file. If the directory does not exist, it is created
and skeleton files are copied.
—shell SHELL
Use SHELL as the user’s login shell, rather than the default specified by the
configuration file.
—ingroup GROUP
Add the new user to GROUP instead of a usergroup or the default group
defined by
in the configuration file. This affects the users primary group. To add additional
groups, see the
Do not create the home directory, even if it doesn’t exist.
Suppress informational messages, only show warnings and errors.
Be verbose, most useful if you want to nail down a problem with adduser.
Create a system user or group.
—uid ID
Force the new userid to be the given number.
will fail if the userid is already taken.
—firstuid ID
Override the first uid in the range that the uid is chosen from (overrides
specified in the configuration file).
—lastuid ID
Override the last uid in the range that the uid is chosen from (
Add new user to extra groups defined in the configuration file.
Display version and copyright information.


The user exists as specified. This can have 2 causes: The user was created by adduser or the user was already present on the system before adduser was invoked. If adduser was returning 0 , invoking adduser a second time with the same parameters as before also returns 0.
Creating the user or group failed because it was already present with other UID/GID than specified. The username or groupname was rejected because of a mismatch with the configured regular expressions, see adduser.conf(5). Adduser has been aborted by a signal.

Or for many other yet undocumented reasons which are printed to console then. You may then consider to remove
to make adduser more verbose.
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Default configuration file for adduser and addgroup
Optional custom add-ons.

How to factory reset /delete all users in ubuntu 14. 04?

sudo deluser --remove-all-files username
rm -rf .gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd .metacity

Delete all users from group

First you find all files owned by said group and assign them to a new group if you so desire (probably best, but not sure)

You then delete the group via sed

sudo sed -i -e 's/group_to_remove/d' /etc/group

grep -Po '^grp1:.*:.*:\K\w+' /etc/group > bad_users

If that’s still too many to handle, you can grep them out of


, generating a new one.

grep -vFf bad_users /etc/passwd > new_passwd

Let’s say the group gid is 2000

awk -F: "(\$4==2000) { print \$1 }" /etc/passwd | sudo xargs userdel

How to delete a file on ubuntu with another user?

cd /tmp
> test
chmod 666 test
#make file owned by a different user and group
chown tomcat:tomcat test
rm -r test
rm: cannot remove 'test': Operation not permitted



directory is a «bit» special. It has the permissions


which sets the sticky bit. You’ll see that an

ls -l /



with the permissions:

drwxrwxrwt  25 root root      12288 Aug  3 08:20 tmp/



means that it prevents anyone except the owner from removing files. You’ll need to use a different directory. Additionally, the


doesn’t make sense for a file.

Can’t delete user account

In a terminal:

/home$ ls
abuabdullah  alzaabi  hussain  u942

Then I tried to delete account


by using command line:

/home$ deluser u942
/usr/sbin/deluser: Only root may remove a user or group from the system.

Then I tried to use sudo

/home$ sudo deluser u942
/usr/sbin/deluser: The user `u942' does not exist.

How can I solve this problem?

getent passwd | grep "/home" | cut -d: -f1

If the output is empty, you can delete that folder (you might need sudo)

rm -Rf /home/u942

. But double check the contents of the folder before you delete it.

echo ~username
ls -ld /home/u942
stat -c %U /home/u942

To find it out you can do something like:

id -un `stat -c %U /home/u942`

If it returned nothing it means the owner does not exist on your system. simply remove that directory

If only you believe there is no important file there


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