Как скачать root tools

RootTools 5.0This is release 5.0.With this release comes a number of bug fixes and refinements. This release also resolves some mounting/remounting issues in newer versions of Android.Additionally, releases are now distributed in an .aar format rather than .jar format.RootTools 4.2RootTools 4.2 brings in a number of additional bug fixes from RootTools 4.1The Core of RootTools has been separated from RootTools and given it’s own repository which you can find here:This allows RootTools to be a set of Tools for rooted applications and allows RootShell to provide the most basic functionality required for a rooted application. In many cases, as a developer, you may find the additional functionality provided by RootTools useful but there may be cases where you don’t want that additional functionality in which case RootShell would be a more ideal choice.Along with the separation of the Core of RootTools and the introduction of RootShell a number of bug fixes where implemented as well.ChangesSupport for commands that execute indefinitely, such as top or something else. Simply pass 0 in as the timeout. You can finish or terminate the command by calling cmd.finish() or cmd.terminate() as needed.Recompiled against JDK 1.7, should fix some issues with those not running Java 1.8 yet.Important Note!When implementing/overriding commandOutput you must make a call to the super method as the last statement in the method. This helps RootTools know that all output has been processed by your application and that it should mark the command as finished. RootShell will terminate the command if all output is not marked as being processed by the time that the command timeout is hit. Making the final call to the super method will help RootShell ensure that all of the output by the command you’ve executed is processed and will keep your application moving quickly. If you don’t want RootShell waiting on you to process the output then just make the super call the first thing in the method.RootTools 4.1RootTools 4.1 brings in a number of additional bug fixes from RootTools 4.0The Core of RootTools has been separated from RootTools and given it’s own repository which you can find here:This allows RootTools to be a set of Tools for rooted applications and allows RootShell to provide the most basic functionality required for a rooted application. In many cases, as a developer, you may find the additional functionality provided by RootTools useful but there may be cases where you don’t want that additional functionality in which case RootShell would be a more ideal choice.Along with the separation of the Core of RootTools and the introduction of RootShell a number of bug fixes where implemented as well.ChangesA problem with the early termination of commands was fixed.Problems with switching context and executing specific commands was fixed.CommandCapture was removed.Command is no longer abstract and the three abstract methods are no longer abstract and should be overridden as needed.When implementing/overriding commandOutput you must make a call to the super method as the last statement in the method. This helps RootTools know that all output has been processed by your application and that it should mark the command as finished. RootShell will terminate the command if all output is not marked as being processed by the time that the command timeout is hit. Making the final call to the super method will help RootShell ensure that all of the output by the command you’ve executed is processed and will keep your application moving quickly. If you don’t want RootShell waiting on you to process the output then just make the super call the first thing in the method.RootTools 4.0 (Beta)RootTools 4.0 brings in a number of bug fixes for issues relating to SELINUX within Android.The Core of RootTools has been separated from RootTools and given it’s own repository which you can find here:This allows RootTools to be a set of Tools for rooted applications and allows RootShell to provide the most basic functionality required for a rooted application. In many cases, as a developer, you may find the additional functionality provided by RootTools useful but there may be cases where you don’t want that additional functionality in which case RootShell would be a more ideal choice.Along with the separation of the Core of RootTools and the introduction of RootShell a number of bug fixes where implemented as well.ChangesA problem with the early termination of commands was fixed.Problems with switching context and executing specific commands was fixed.CommandCapture was removed.Command is no longer abstract and the three abstract methods are no longer abstract and should be overridden as needed.When implementing/overriding commandOutput you should now make a call to the super method as the last statement in the method. This helps RootTools know that all output has been processed by your application and that it should mark the command as finished. RootShell will wait a period of time (about 10 seconds) before giving up on waiting for all output to be processed and will mark the command as finished. Making the final call to the super method will help RootShell ensure that all of the output by the command you’ve executed is processed and will keep your application moving quickly. If you don’t want RootShell waiting on you to process the output then just make the super call the first thing in the method.RootTools 3.5RootTools 3.5 brings official support for Android L.It also brings support for context switching for ChainFire’s su binary. (http://su.chainfire.eu/#selinux-contexts-unconfined)You can find the available contexts in the enum Shell.ShellContext
You can set the default context (Shell.defaultContext)
You can open a shell by passing in a context to the getShell constructor
You can also switch the context of an existing shell by using the method switchRootShellContext (Using this method will close the current shell and re-open a root shell with the appropriate context)RootTools 3.4RootTools 3.4 brings an important bug fix related to detecting su and finding binaries. It also improves the reliability of getPath

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Удобная программа для устройств на базе ОС Android, позволяющая быстро получить Root-права. Содержит перечень других функций, позволяющих управлять системой, например, настраивать опции автозагрузки.

Root Tool – программа для оперативного получения Root-прав, имеющая ряд дополнительных опций.

Функции программы

Название приложение говорит само за себя: с его помощью можно получить права администратора верхнего уровня. Но, кроме этого, оно дает и другие возможности. Чаще всего пользователи применяют ее по прямому назначению. Права суперпользователя получить, в целом, не так просто, но Root Tool делает этот процесс легким и понятным. В окне программы есть большая кнопка, нажатие на которую выдает эти права. По завершении настроек устройства можно отключить их элементарным способом: достаточно просто «свернуть» окно приложения. Это повысит безопасность устройства, но лишит возможности управлять некоторыми функциями.

Другие опции приложения позволяют формировать резервные копии программ, инсталлированных на устройстве. Это позволит восстановить их без потери данных, если возникнет такая необходимость. Есть функция удаления системных программ, которые не используются владельцем смартфона или планшета. А также раздел управления автоматическими загрузками приложений. В нем можно отключить фоновые нагрузки на устройство, повысив скорость его работы и увеличив срок работы аккумулятора без подзарядки. Ценители уникальных настроек смогут поменять стандартные системные шрифты на другие, например, на Frontier, Hattori Hanzo, Haze.

Ключевые особенности

Предлагаю сегодня обсудить очередное крайне мощное приложение, а на деле даже пачку приложений, которые понравятся тем, кто любит вмешиваться в работу системы, и умеет это делать правильно.

Ведь действительно — при определенных знаниях и навыках, систему вполне можно оптимизировать под те задачи, что для вас в приоритете. И поможет в этом программа Root Tools. Рут-доступ и права суперпользователя, разумеется, обязательны.

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Пожалуй, рассказывая о Root Tools стоит просто перечислить все то, что умеет это приложение. А умеет оно действительно много всего, а потому его по праву можно назвать утилитой для тонкой настройки, чистки и оптимизации системы. Как для Windows, к примеру, есть CCleaner, так для Android можно попробовать Root Tools.

Root Tools помогут разобраться с приложениями: перенести при необходимости на карту памяти и обратно в память телефона или же задать дефолтное место для установки, сделать бекапы приложений и их настроек, удалить лишние системные приложения, а заодно можно забекапить загрузочные анимации, системные шрифты и еще некоторые системные настройки.

Root Tools позволяет также заблокировать рекламу в приложениях,почистить кеш dalvik, настроить аксеерометр и датчик приближения, поиграться с настройками wi-fi модуля, сменить плотность пикселей экрана, настроить управление подсветкой аппаратных клавиш, разобраться с кешем (почистить, перенести на карту и т.д.), настроить внутренний тасккиллер системы, почистить историю в Маркете, проверить chmod системных папок, смонтировать системные разделы для чтения-записи.

В общем Root Tools позволяет сделать одним приложением то, что можно сделать с помощью ClockWork Recovery и множества различных утилит доступных нам в Маркете. Здесь же это собрано в одно приложение.

Установить Root Tools через веб-маркет.

Тогда можно поддержать её лайком в соцсетях. На новости сайта вы ведь уже подписались? 😉

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Ай-ти шуточка бонусом. Китайские дети утром делают зарядку, а вечером относят её в Евросеть.

This app is no longer supported. Please use ROM Toolbox: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jrummy.liberty.toolboxpro

Root Tools is the ultimate tool for unlocked/rooted devices. Now that you are rooted you can customize your phone to the max simply with this app. Increase performance or change fonts and boot animations with a single click. Remove system or data apps easily and more.

App Management:
☆ Android 2.2+ Apps to SD
☆ Backup or restore any system or data app
☆ Remove any system or data app
— Batch removal/backup included

Goodie Add-ons:
☆ Install a boot animation from a list of 30 animations
— Enable random boot animations on each boot-up (in settings)
☆ Install custom fonts (25+)
☆Pulldown text editor (change the «Verizon Wireless» in the pulldown bar!)

Developed By: JRummy Apps Inc.

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Install the app, complete the tasks and enjoy your new features. The app does not require registration, so you can start instantly.
Using this app you can get a lot of amazing secret features of your android smartphone:
♕ Full Root, that allows you turning on all of the listed features
♕ Battery Calibration, that helps you inspect your battery and improve its work
♕ Change Interface, that helps you change the android smartphone’s interface without heavyweight launchers
♕ Operating Modes, that allows you to switch mode depending on the purpose of the day: increase the speed, save battery, or focus on stability. There is also a speed boost mode to enable the full range of these features.
♕ Build.Prop Editor that allows you to bring changes to build.prop file, that contains important device info.
♕ Rebooter, that allows you turn off/shut down and test the device.
♕ Flasher, the utility for firmware recovery image on your device.
♕ App Install Location, allows you to choose where the apps will be installed.
♕ App Manager to manage all installed apps, even the hidden ones 😉
♕ Root Browser to copy, cut, remove, replace files and also rename them
♕ Change DPI feature to increase the workspace on your phone.
♕ Change Emoji to surprise your friends with custom emojis – any on your choice.
♕ Change Fonts to make your interface brilliant!

Root – Tools for Android Advantages
☆ Easy to Use and Free to Install
☆ Permission and Registration Free
☆ Choose any Feature and Control Time to Get It
☆ 2 Daily Gifts for You

By using this simple and handy app you can become a real Root King! Unlimited features for you and your friends without spending money, interesting quests built into the app so you will not be bored while collecting credits. This is really simple way to get Root Android for free ☺

How to use Root – Tools for Android App
〠 Install the app and click GO button
〠 Choose from variety of features
〠 Find out the cost of chosen feature in credits
〠 Collect credits to unlock the feature you have chosen
〠 Exchange the credits for features
〠 Enjoy your full android root access
This app has been tested on different android devices as safe, and you can be 100% sure that it will not harm the device or bring any damage for your android phone or tablet with any customization.
We will always try to help with any problem you may have with the app. For fast and friendly support please email us at. We will be glad to help you, and answer any questions and troubleshoot with you.

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