Root crypt

  1. OK, which encryption engines does the DeviceMapper support?
  3. How many bits should the key used by the algorithm have?
  4. Enable Health Monitoring
  5. Installing into the encrypted partition
  6. Encrypted ZFS Ubuntu Installation
  7. ZFS on LUKS Installation
  8. Boot LiveCD
  9. Configure Storage
  10. SSD 256GB (/dev/sda)
  11. HDD(s) (/dev/sd?)
  12. Install Ubuntu
  13. Install ZFS Packages
  14. Create LUKS Containers
  15. Open LUKS Containers
  16. Add Derived LUKS Keys
  17. Create File Systems
  18. Create /boot File System
  19. Create ZFS Pools
  20. Create ZFS Datasets
  21. Create ZFS Volume for SWAP
  22. Prepare ZFS Mountpoints
  23. Mount Ubuntu Installation
  24. Copy Ubuntu Installation
  25. CHROOT Into Target ZFS Environment
  26. Setup ZFS in CHROOT Environment
  27. Create FSTAB Entries
  28. Create `/etc/crypttab` Entries
  29. Create `/etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/cryptroot` Entries
  30. Add `boot=zfs` to GRUB
  31. Update the Initramfs Boot Images
  32. Exit the CHROOT ZFS Environment
  33. Завершение
  34. Changes in Edgy
  35. So How Do I Encrypt My Home Directory?
  36. Which of those engines should I choose?
  37. Prerequisites
  38. Подготовка
  39. Диск
  40. Утилиты и модули
  41. Форматирование
  42. Finishing up
  43. Troubleshooting
  44. Caveats
  45. ZFS Integrity When Using LUKS
  46. Hibernation
  47. UEFI Booting
  48. Mount your crypt
  49. Using dm-crypt
  50. Using losetup
  51. Distro Release Upgrade
  52. Encryption with Cryptoloop
  53. Prearrangement
  54. Setting up the harddisk
  55. Installing Ubuntu
  56. Setting up the OS loader
  57. EXIT Chroot
  58. Creative Commons License
  59. I want to use a passphrase. How long does it need to be?
  60. I decided on the key size now. How do I protect the key?
  61. A Bit of Theory
  62. New installations of Ubuntu 12. 10 and later
  63. How to set up a fully encrypted disk with Ubuntu
  64. Encrypted file-systems
  65. Перенос системы
  66. Копирование
  67. Ядро новой системы
  68. GRUB
  69. FSTAB
  70. Partitioning the System
  71. How does Linux encrypt my data?
  72. Using Your Encrypted System

OK, which encryption engines does the DeviceMapper support?

You can choose all those provided by the crypto-modules of your kernel. The Ubuntu-Kernels come with the full set, including Twofish, AES, DES and others.


apt-get install ubuntu-desktop lvm2 cryptsetup linux-generic grub2

# Add and configure your user
useradd your_user 
passwd your_user
usermod usermod -a -G admin,users

Configure the chroot. You will need to edit /etc/fstab , /etc/crypttab

In /etc/crypttab define your crypt

crypt  /dev/sda1  none  luks

In /etc/fstab make sure you define your partitions, swap, etc

/dev/mapper/crypt_root  /  ext4  defaults,errors=remount-ro  0  1

MAKE SURE YOUR FSTAB IS COMPLETE , including swap, proc, home (if you use a separate home, tmpfs, etc. Use the live desktop cd as a template if needed.

Exit the chroot


How many bits should the key used by the algorithm have?

This depends on your needs for security: A longer key is more secure, but it takes longer to de-/encrypt data using it.

With a good crypto algorithm a attacker must use brute force: He has to generate each key and then has to try to unlock the encrypted data with it. So the number of possible keys directly gives the average time needed to break the encryption. So let us play a bit with some numbers:

To understand how secure 128 bit keys are, you may read this analogy by Jon Callas:

“Imagine a computer that is the size of a grain of sand that can test keys against some encrypted data. Also imagine that it can test a key in the amount of time it takes light to cross it. Then consider a cluster of these computers, so many that if you covered the earth with them, they would cover the whole planet to the height of 1 meter. The cluster of computers would crack a 128-bit key on average in 1,000 years.”

Even if you don’t believe that the NSA has another planet devoted to key cracking, you still may want to use a longer key. If a weakness in your chosen crypto-module is found, it may limit the keyspace that needs to be tested, and you will then have an effectivly shorter key. Using a 256 bit key will keep your data secure much longer if that should happen.

Enable Health Monitoring

  • Install and configure a cron entry for the excellent zfs-health utility from Copy/create in /usr/local/bin/ or wherever suited. This provides email notifications of missed scrubs, file system utilization > 80% and other health checks.

  • Setup zfs-health of the ZFS pools via cron. An example created in /etc/cron.d/zfs-health:


0 14 * * 0-7 root /usr/local/bin/

Installing into the encrypted partition

I have not done this manually from an Ubuntu live CD and honestly I am not sure it will work, sort of depends on how much you already know, and how much I forget. This is going to be a long post, so I may not cover each and every detail ;).

You can try running the graphical installer and try to use /dev/mapper/root as your root ( / ) partition. You will need to unmount it first.

If that fails , you can install the long way with chroot

Installing into a chroot is fairly easy, you need to make any other partitions you are using , including /boot (you already have), swap, and if you so desire /home

You then install a base system with debootstrap, use /media/crypt_root as the chroot.

Typing all the commands for a chroot is going to be too long for an already long post, but DebootstrapChroot will walk you through how to do this step — by — step

After installing the base with debootstrap, we will chroot in and install / configure the rest.

sudo -i

#mount your boot partition in the chroot
mount /dev/sda2 /media/chroot_root/boot

#mount home also if you have a separate home
#If you do not have a separate home, skip this
mount /dev/your_home_partition

chroot /media/crypt_root 

Encrypted ZFS Ubuntu Installation

You know all the goodness ZFS provides. You know all the goodness Ubuntu provides. You know all the goodness LUKS whole disk encryption provides. That is why you are here.

ZFS on LUKS Installation

Boot LiveCD

Boot to Ubuntu LiveCD, open a terminal and sudo to root. ALT-F1, enter, and search for ‘terminal’ or Windows Start Key, and search for ‘terminal’. All command references assume you are root for this process.

sudo -i

Configure Storage

Zero out the storage devices, label and partition.

SSD 256GB (/dev/sda)

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=1M count=10
parted -a optimal /dev/sda
mklabel msdos
unit MB
mkpart primary 1 513
mkpart primary 513 -1
toggle 1 boot

HDD(s) (/dev/sd?)

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sd? bs=1M count=10
parted -a optimal /dev/sd?
mklabel gpt
unit MB
mkpart vpool 1 -1

Install Ubuntu

Install Ubuntu onto the 8GB USB storage or other temporary storage volume. You can skip providing a swap partition and my also install Ubuntu in its entirety to a single / partition. Select ‘download updates during installation’ and ‘3rd party applications’ as desired.

When installation is complete be sure to select «CONTINUE TESTING«.

Install ZFS Packages

While still in the live environment install the ZFS repository and ubuntu-zfs packages. This will take some time to install and compile the DKMS ZFS modules for the running kernel.

apt-add-repository --yes ppa:zfs-native/stable
apt-get update
apt-get -y install ubuntu-zfs

Create LUKS Containers

If you are adventuresome, or have iterated through this process a number of times, you can open another terminal tab CTRL-SHIFT-T, sudo -i and create the LUKS containers while the ubuntu-zfs packages are installing and compiling. Otherwise wait until the previous step is completed.

cryptsetup luksFormat -c aes-xts-plain64 -s 512 -h sha512 /dev/sda2
cryptsetup luksFormat -c aes-xts-plain64 -s 512 -h sha512 /dev/sdb1
cryptsetup luksFormat -c aes-xts-plain64 -s 512 -h sha512 /dev/sdc1
cryptsetup luksFormat -c aes-xts-plain64 -s 512 -h sha512 /dev/sdd1
(repeat for each additional luks container) ...

Open LUKS Containers

cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda2 root_crypt
cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdb1 vault1_crypt
cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdc1 vault2_crypt
cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdd1 vault3_crypt
(repeat for each additional luks container) ...

Once complete, you can affirm the containers are opened with ls /dev/mapper. The LUKS container names that you provided should be listed.

Add Derived LUKS Keys

To avoid multiple passphrase prompts at boot time for unlocking all the LUKS containers, add the derived key for the root_crypt container to the other LUKS containers. This derived key will be generated from the root_crypt container in the initramfs at boot time. Obtaining the derived key from root_crypt at boot is covered in later sections. Using a derived key is relatively secure since it can only be generated after the root_crypt container has been opened with the proper passphrase.

/lib/cryptsetup/scripts/decrypt_derived root_crypt > /tmp/key
cryptsetup luksAddKey /dev/sdb1 /tmp/key
cryptsetup luksAddKey /dev/sdc1 /tmp/key
cryptsetup luksAddKey /dev/sdd1 /tmp/key
(repeat for each additional luks container) ...

If the master key for the LUKS container root_crypt ever changes you will need to add the new derived master key to the other LUKS containers again.

!! BACKUP EACH LUKS CONTAINERS HEADER FOR PROTECTION !! While optional, this is highly recommended.

cryptsetup luksHeaderBackup /dev/sda2 --header-backup-file <pathToSave>/luks_sda2_header_backup
cryptsetup luksHeaderBackup /dev/sdb1 --header-backup-file <pathToSave>/luks_sdb1_header_backup
cryptsetup luksHeaderBackup /dev/sdc1 --header-backup-file <pathToSave>/luks_sdc1_header_backup
cryptsetup luksHeaderBackup /dev/sdd1 --header-backup-file <pathToSave>/luks_sdd1_header_backup
(repeat for each additional luks container) ...

Create File Systems

Create /boot File System

mkfs.ext4 -m 0 -L /boot -j /dev/sda1

Create ZFS Pools

root_crypt will service the / partition and vault_crypt is the ‘other’ storage pool for miscellaneous content.

!! IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT THE root POOL BE NAMED rpool !! Other naming conventions will not properly boot. (I know. I tried. It failed). Pool names for anything else are abitrary. Use ashift=12 to support the newer storage devices with 4096K sectors. Use ashift=9 for older storage devices using the smaller 512K sectors.

zpool create -O mountpoint=none -o ashift=12 rpool /dev/mapper/root_crypt
zpool create -O mountpoint=none -o ashift=12 vpool raidz /dev/mapper/vault1_crypt /dev/mapper/vault2_crypt /dev/mapper/vault3_crypt

Create ZFS Datasets

I’m using compression. The lz4 compression is fast and clever. It will compress compressable content and skip uncompressable content. HDD read performance is increased and storage utilization is decreased (for compressable content). Compression MUST be set before you poplulate the dataset to assure all compressable content is compressed. You can enable compression later, but any prior content put into the dataset will remain uncompressed. The dataset names are arbitrary and can be changed to suit your purposes.

zfs create -o compression=lz4 rpool/ROOT
zfs create -o compression=lz4 vpool/VAULT

For an added performance tweak, disable atime; unless of course your applications rely on the access times.

zfs set atime=off rpool/ROOT
zfs set atime=off vpool/VAULT

Create ZFS Volume for SWAP

I have not dedicated a specific storage partition for SWAP. Instead create a ZFS volume that will be used for SWAP. This configuration will not support hibernation. (see caveat above). Replace -V 1024M with the sizing that is right for you. I use less swap space as the host has significant physical RAM capacity. This volume setting is courtesy of ArchLinux-ZFS-SwapVolume. The auto-snapshot=false will prevent this dataset from being included in any automated snapshots. See zfs-auto-snapshot later in the guide.

zfs create -V 1024M -b $(getconf PAGESIZE) \
              -o compression=off \
              -o primarycache=metadata \
              -o secondarycache=none \
              -o sync=always \
              -o com.sun:auto-snapshot=false rpool/SWAP

Prepare ZFS Mountpoints

This will set the ZFS dataset mountpoints. They do not get listed in /etc/fstab in the traditional sense. For datasets other than rpool/ROOT you can set the mountpoint to service your environment.

zfs set mountpoint=/ rpool/ROOT
zfs set mountpoint=/vault vpool/VAULT

Importantly, this step identifies the boot file system in the ZFS pool.

zpool set bootfs=rpool/ROOT rpool

Export the pools so they can be re-imported to a temporary mount point.

zpool export rpool
zpool export vpool

Re-import the ZFS pools to a temporary mount point in the Ubuntu LiveCD environment. The mountpoints /mnt/zfs are arbitrary. The temporary mount mounts will become the chroot target. This target will be populated with the previously installed Ubuntu 8GB volume contents.

zpool import -d /dev/mapper -R /mnt/zfs rpool
zpool import -d /dev/mapper -R /mnt/zfs vpool

Mount Ubuntu Installation

Mount the Ubuntu installation that was installed on the temporary 8GB storage volume. Replace /dev/sd? with the 8GB temporary storage label.

mkdir /mnt/raring
mount /dev/sd? /mnt/raring

Copy Ubuntu Installation

Create a boot directory in the previously mounted ZFS dataset and mount the real target /dev/sd? storage partition onto it. In my case sda1.

mkdir /mnt/zfs/boot
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/zfs/boot

Copy the Ubuntu installation from the temporary storage to the ZFS datasets.

cd /mnt/raring
tar cfp - . | ( cd /mnt/zfs/; tar xvfp -)

You may likely need to copy the current live environment resolv.conf into the ZFS dataset so that networking will function once you chroot into the ZFS dataset. When you chroot into the ZFS dataset and you can’t host you’ll need to perform this step.

cp /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/zfs/etc/resolv.conf

Once the TAR create/extract is complete, un-mount the temporary Ubuntu installation to keep on hand if this process needs to be repeated.

umount /mnt/raring

CHROOT Into Target ZFS Environment

Mount the system references.

mount -o bind /proc /mnt/zfs/proc
mount -o bind /dev /mnt/zfs/dev
mount -o bind /dev/pts /mnt/zfs/dev/pts
mount -o bind /sys /mnt/zfs/sys

Change root and pivot onto the ZFS environment which now contains a complete copy of the previous Ubuntu installation.

chroot /mnt/zfs /bin/bash --login

Setup ZFS in CHROOT Environment

Set the hostid (which doesn’t exist). Without it the ubuntu-zfs installation and compile will error. You will be prompted later to overwrite it with the maintainers package version. You may choose to do so or not.

hostid > /etc/hostid

Preapre a symbolic link to the root LUKS container. Without this symbolic link update-grub will complain that is can’t find the canonical path and error. (Replace root_crypt with your named root LUKS container).

ln -s /dev/mapper/root_crypt /dev/root_crypt

Assure that future kernel updates will succeed by always creating the symbolic link. (Replace root_crypt with your named root LUKS container).

echo 'ENV{DM_NAME}=="root_crypt", SYMLINK+="root_crypt"' > /etc/udev/rules.d/99-local.rules

Install the ubuntu-zfs packages. This will take some time to install and compile the DKMS ZFS modules for the current kernel. cryptsetup must be installed in the chroot environment has it was not installed previously. zfs-initramfs is required to put the ZFS utilities for managing ZFS file systems in the initramfs booting images. I intentionally did not install the zfs-native/grub packages.

apt-add-repository --yes ppa:zfs-native/stable
apt-get update
apt-get -y install ubuntu-zfs zfs-initramfs cryptsetup

Create FSTAB Entries

vi /etc/fstab
/dev/sda1               /boot   auto    defaults        0 0
/dev/mapper/root_crypt  /       zfs     defaults        0 0
/dev/zvol/rpool/SWAP    none    swap    defaults        0 0

Create `/etc/crypttab` Entries

/dev/sda2: UUID="94581034-2545-2c1e-93bf-f89ab32b9d8e" TYPE="crypto_LUKS" 

To allow cryptsetup to properly identify the root LUKS container during update-initramfs add this entry to /etc/crypttab. This file did not previously exist. Use the UUID you just retrieved without quotes. (You could use /dev/sd? naming conventions, but using UUID’s will assure consistent behavior). discard is added here to pass the TRIM commands to the SSD.

vi /etc/crypttab
root_crypt UUID=<uuid-/dev/sd?-root_crypt-crypto_LUKS-no-quotes> none luks,discard

Create `/etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/cryptroot` Entries

For cryptsetup to properly identify the LUKS containers to unlock at boot time pick one of these entries; multiple or single passphrase prompts. Note that vault_crypt was not listed in /etc/crypttab. It is not necessary in that file. /etc/crypttab is largely referenced after the pivot from the initramfs to the ‘real’ root. All LUKS containers that need to be unlocked for ZFS MUST be listed in this file. Get the UUID for each crypto_LUKS container with blkid as before. The file MUST be named cryptroot as the cryptsetup routines reference that file explicitly. If named differently, cryptsetup will not identify the LUKS containers to unlock.

Дополнительно:  Как исправить клавиатура ноутбука не работает в Windows 10

Single: If you want a single passphrase prompt, use this configuration. This file did not previously exist.

Get the derived master key. The root_crypt LUKS container must be open. Add the derived key to each LUKS container that you want to unlock at boot.

/lib/cryptsetup/scripts/decrypt_derived root_crypt > /tmp/key
cryptsetup luksAddKey /dev/sdb1 /tmp/key
cryptsetup luksAddKey /dev/sdc1 /tmp/key
cryptsetup luksAddKey /dev/sdd1 /tmp/key
(repeat for each additional luks container) ...

Copy the decrypt_derived shell script into the initramfs-tools so that it will be available in the initramfs boot environment.

mkdir /etc/initramfs-tools/scripts/luks
cp /lib/cryptsetup/scripts/decrypt_derived /etc/initramfs-tools/scripts/luks/get.root_crypt.decrypt_derived

Adapt the get.root_crypt.decrypt_derived shell script to fetch the master key without arguments.

vi /etc/initramfs-tools/scripts/luks/get.root_crypt.decrypt_derived

Add to top of /etc/initramfs-tools/scripts/luks/get.root_crypt.decrypt_derived


Then replace $1 with the new variable.


Write out and quit.


Create cryptroot to be referenced in the boot image.

vi /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/cryptroot

Note: I was unable to find a way to define key=root_crypt,keyscript=/scripts/luks/decrypt_derived for vault#_crypt and have the ‘key’ passed to the script as it does with /etc/crypttab behavior.

(repeat for each additional luks container) ...

Multiple: At boot you will be prompted for passphrases for each LUKS container.

(repeat for each additional luks container) ...

Add `boot=zfs` to GRUB

Perhaps because I did not install the zfs-native/grub packages, you must add boot=zfs to the grub.cfg stanzas. You MUST have boot=zfs in the linux line. If it is absent Ubuntu will not boot.

vi /etc/default/grub

Add boot=zfs to the default grub configuration file.

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="boot=zfs quiet splash"

Until certain that everything is working — remove quiet splash.


If your Ubuntu system will not boot make sure boot=zfs is in the linux stanza line in /boot/grub/grub.cfg

Update the Initramfs Boot Images

Update the boot images which will now contain the ZFS utilities, cryptsetup, cryptroot definitions and custom decrypt_derived shell script (if you chose single passphrase prompting).

update-initramfs -c -k all
grub-install /dev/sda

Check the /boot/grub/grub.cfg and make sure your menu stanzas look something like this.

menuentry 'Ubuntu' --class ubuntu --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os $menuentry_id_option 'gnulinux-simple-/dev/mapper/root_crypt' {
        gfxmode $linux_gfx_mode
        insmod gzio
        insmod part_msdos
        insmod ext2
        set root='hd0,msdos1'
        if [ x$feature_platform_search_hint = xy ]; then
          search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root --hint-bios=hd0,msdos1 --hint-efi=hd0,msdos1 --hint-baremetal=ahci0,msdos1  <UUID#>
          search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root <UUID#>
        linux   /vmlinuz-3.8.0-29-generic root=ZFS=/ROOT ro   boot=zfs quiet splash $vt_handoff
        initrd  /initrd.img-3.8.0-29-generic

Especially the linux line which MUST have root=ZFS=/ROOT and boot=zfs.

        linux   /vmlinuz-3.8.0-29-generic root=ZFS=/ROOT ro   boot=zfs quiet splash $vt_handoff

Exit the CHROOT ZFS Environment

Exit the chroot environment and unmount the system references. Unmount in reverse order in which they were mounted.

umount /mnt/zfs/boot
umount /mnt/zfs/sys
umount /mnt/zfs/dev/pts
umount /mnt/zfs/proc
umount /mnt/zfs/dev

Export the ZFS pools (which will unmount /mnt/zfs).

zpool export vpool
zpool export rpool


Выход из виртуального окружения

cd /
umount /tmp/root/dev/
umount /tmp/root/proc/
umount /tmp/root/boot/
umount /tmp/root/

Не забыть в BIOS выбрать загрузку с диска sdb.

Root crypt

Ничего не загрузилось с первого раза — это нормально. Посмотрите внимательно сообщения, логи, что-то где-то пропустили.

Changes in Edgy

  • You will get an error message about an incompatability in libdevmapper (IIRC). To fix this, you must modprobe dm_mod. See this page. You should only need to do this once.

So How Do I Encrypt My Home Directory?

So, how to encrypt all this stuff without having to enter five passphrases every time we restart? Some howtos suggest using one «master» partition (usually /home) that contains «key files» which are used to successively unlock the other partitions. There are a couple of problems with this method: first, if one of those files (usually filled with random gibberish so as to make them «unguessable») is damaged it can render the whole system useless until a restore operation is performed (and how often do YOU backup your system?) The other problem is it isn’t really «secure» at all since any time your /home partition is mounted the «keys» to all those other partitions are available to anyone who can get access to your computer (even remotely). This is really only slightly different than using those post-its we mentioned earlier.

Which of those engines should I choose?

I recommend AES. It is reasonably fast and believed to be secure. Avoid DES, it is considered too weak to offer decent protection nowadays.


  • Ubuntu 64bit operating system (ZFS will NOT run with any reliability on 32bit systems)
  • CPU(s) with AES capabilities (lshw to show the cpu capabilities and confirm aes). You can utilize cpus without the AES capabilities but you will incur a performance penalty. Reports are ~20% decrease in throughput.

  • Adequate host RAM
  • Storage with ~20% or more free space after installation and data migration
  • 8GB USB flash drive (preferably USB 3.0 capable flash drive). You can substitute the flash drive for any other temporary storage device. e.g. ~8GB disk partition on target root disk that can be re-purposed, a secondary HDD/SSD, etc.
  • Internet connectivity
  • Ubuntu LiveCD on a bootable CD/DVD/USB device.



Разобьем диск следующим образом:

Имя    Флаги        Тип раздела  Тип ФС    [Метка]  Размер (МБ)
sdb1   Загрузочный  Основной     Linux              509,97      # Загрузочный ext2
sdb2                Основной     Linux              3997,49     # SWAP
sdb3                Основной     Linux              100002,96   # Зашифрованный корень
sdb4                Основной     Linux              395597,46   # Не зашифрованный раздел для файл помойки

Утилиты и модули

emerge sys-fs/cryptsetup -av
modprobe dm_crypt

Если данного модуля у вас нету, то включите его я ядре

Device Drivers  --->
  [*] Block devices  --->
  [*] Multiple devices driver support (RAID and LVM)  --->
    <*>   Device mapper support
    <M>   Crypt target support
-*- Cryptographic API  --->
  <M>   SHA224 and SHA256 digest algorithm
  <M>   SHA384 and SHA512 digest algorithms

Пересобрать ядро и перезагрузить

modprobe dm_crypt


Создание шифрованного раздела

cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sdb3
cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdb3 root
mkfs.ext2 /dev/sdb1
mkswap /dev/sdb2
mkfs.ext3 -j /dev/mapper/root

Finishing up

Hopefully your system restarted well and you now see an encrypted /zzz partition in your root folder. Double check this by opening the folder in nautilus and noting the «free disk space» number. Does it change when you enter the /zzz folder? It should — if it doesn’t recheck your /etc/fstab and /etc/crypttab files and see where you went wrong. Open Nautilus and browse to /dev/mapper and make sure you have those two mapped devices cryptohome and cryptoswap.

If all is well otherwise, it’s a downhill coast from here. We will be using the scripts below, but because of errors introduced by the wiki I suggest you download this script package and untar it.

  # Module          : buildsafe
  # Version         : 0.1
  # Author          : "Poptones"
  # Created On      : Tuesday, September 28 2004
  # This will build an encrypted userland file system from
  # an encrypted partition called /zzz.

 if [ `grep 'zzz' /etc/mtab -c` -gt 0 ]; then

 # NOTE: there is some sort of bug in the wiki that is causing a ? to appear in the above line
 # and I cannot get it to go away. This script will not work until you remove it!

  #if we have already run this script don't do this part again!
  if [ ! -d /usr/var ]; then

  #NOTE AGAIN; see above comment. There is supposed to be NO ? in the above line!
    echo 'editing /etc/fstab to mount /zzz at /usr'
    cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.zzz
    sed 's/zzz/usr/g' /etc/fstab.zzz > /etc/fstab

    echo 'moving /var partition to /usr/var...'
    cp --preserve=all -r /var /usr
    echo -n 'done'

    echo 'moving /home partition to /usr/home...'
    cp --preserve=all -r /home /usr
    echo -n 'done'

    echo 'moving /tmp partition to /usr/tmp...'
    rm -rf /usr/tmp
    cp --preserve=all -r /tmp /usr
    cd /usr/var
    rm -rf tmp
    ln -s ../tmp ./tmp
    cd /
    echo -n 'done'
    echo 'now building new /usr partition... relinking...'

    rm -rf /var
    rm -rf /home
    rm -rf /tmp
    ln -s /usr/tmp /tmp
    ln -s /usr/var /var
    ln -s /usr/home /home

    echo -n 'done'


  echo 'now moving /usr to encrypted partition...'
  echo 'please be patient. Depending on system speed'
  echo 'this may take a few minutes to more than an hour'

  cp --preserve=all -r /usr/* /zzz

  echo 'done'
  echo 'enter *reboot* for the changes to take effect'
  echo 'mount point /zzz cannot be found. make sure you have'
  echo 'created the mount point /zzz. If you are certain it'
  echo 'exists, run this script again after mounting it.'
 #file ends here

See the file you just saved? Now hold your breath and invoke it by typing


It should take off almost immediately doing all sorts of scary stuff. Moving the files WILL take some time. Don’t get impatient and reboot in the middle of this script our you will find yourself having to reinstall ubuntu from scratch. This script won’t overwrite any partitions you didn’t give it access to, but if it’s not allowed to complete it WILL munge your OS, which is the reason I strongly suggest running it on a fresh installation.

Did you get the reboot prompt? Type «reboot» and press enter, then log in again.


  • If you boot into the recovery mode Ubuntu will likely not boot as boot=zfs is likely not on the linux menu stanza line. Manually add boot=zfs as an edit during grub. (Hold right-shift-key during boot to enter and edit the recovery menu).

  • If troubles, check for typos. I often transposed crypt as cyrpt because I was typing to haphazardly.

  • If you enabled splash screen for plymouth, but don’t see it and have to blindly type the passphrase, you may need to enable FRAMEBUFFER=y and change the screen geometry. See this askubuntu thread GNOME-Broken-Splash. Boot without splash until you are certain the boot process is successful.

  • The ZFS root pool MUST be named rpool.

  • boot=zfs MUST be on the linux grub.cfg menu stanza line.

  • root=ZFS=/ROOT MUST be on the linux grub.cfg menu stanza line. If you chose a different ZFS dataset name replace ROOT with your version.

  • Reboot back to the Ubuntu LiveCD, re-install the ubuntu-zfs packages, re-open the LUKS containers, re-import the ZFS pools to /mnt/zfs, chroot to the ZFS environment, adjust whatever you need to adjust, exit chroot, un-mount file systems, reboot. Rinse and repeat.

  • If the additional storage is not mounting automatically on booting, once boot is complete zpool import -d /dev/mapper vpool to mount the additional storage. This will ‘refresh’ the /etc/zfs/zpool.cache. df -mh to confirm the mounted pool. Then update-initramfs -c -k all to recreate the boot images which will have a reference to the most recent zpool.cache. Reboot and the additional storage pool should mount.


ZFS Integrity When Using LUKS


I have not documented a mechanism to support hibernation. This configuration will support suspend. Supporting hibernation would require a seperate partition equal to or greater than physical RAM. It could be a LUKS container or LUKS container with a ZFS Volume.

UEFI Booting

This guide will need to be adjusted to support UEFI booting. Most notable would be creating an unencrypted /boot/efi 1MB partition (which will be vfat), unencrypted /boot 512MB partition and then encrypted / partition.

Mount your crypt

This assumes your crypt is called crypt, the physical partition is /dev/sda1 , and the root partition partition in /dev/mapper is called root, adjust accordingly to your setup.

  1. Boot the live (Desktop) CD and install lvm2 and cryptsetup.

    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install lvm2 cryptsetup
  2. Load the cryptsetup module.

    sudo modprobe dm-crypt
  3. Decrypt your file system.

    sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda1 crypt
  4. Get the live CD to recognize (activate) your LVM.

    sudo vgscan --mknodes
    sudo vgchange -ay
  5. You can now access / mount the crypt

    sudo mkdir /media/crypt_root
    sudo mount /dev/mapper/root /media/crypt_root

Using dm-crypt

Ubuntu includes the latest encryption widget right in the default install, but there is no easy to use interface (eg. Mandriva’s ‘drakloop’ tool) to this widget included in the default install. Before we can use ubuntu’s encryption capabilities we must install this interface.

  1. Install cryptsetup. This is a small download, it goes quickly.

        sudo apt-get install cryptsetup

  2. Then we load some needed modules. We need the dm_mod, dm_crypt and a crypto-Module. There are a variety included in the standard ubuntu-Kernel, the most optimal is likely chosen automatically and already installed.

    •     /sbin/modinfo /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/crypto/*           |grep description
          /sbin/modinfo /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/arch/i386/crypto/* |grep description

      This will list the modules available on your machine. The aes module is actually an alias for whatever is installed on your machine. Look for something with aes in it — aes, aes-i586, aes-i386, and so forth. So long as one of these is installed you should be fine. To ensure that these modules are loaded when your computer restarts add them to /etc/modules:

          sudo -i  (to make yourself root)
          echo aes >> /etc/modules
          echo dm_mod   >> /etc/modules
          echo dm_crypt >> /etc/modules

  3. Choose the partition where you want to store the encrypted data (in this example we’ll use the hard drive partition /dev/hda7) and create the cryptographic device mapper. This device is like a filter connected to the partition which automatically and transparently decrypts and encrypts the data as needed.

        sudo cryptsetup -y create crypt /dev/hda7

  4. Ensure that the partition (/dev/hda7 in our example) is NOT ALREADY MOUNTED. Otherwise, you will get a cryptic and unhelpful error message. If the partition is already mounted, unmount it with the ‘sudo umount’ command.
  5.     sudo -i (do this as root) 
        echo "crypt /dev/hda7 none none" >> /etc/crypttab
        echo "/dev/mapper/crypt /crypt reiserfs defaults 0 1" >> /etc/fstab

  6. Instead of directly mounting /dev/hda7 when your computer restarts, now it will first restart the encryption «filter.» This means every time you restart your computer you will be required to enter your passphrase before proceeding onto a desktop login. There are other options you can enter into the /etc/fstab file which will allow you to mount and unmount your encrypted data at any time (just as you are probably used to doing with CDs and USB drives) but for now we will focus on using the partition as one might use it to encrypt /home (which we will cover more in depth later in this howto)
  7. Now let’s create a filesystem on the mapped device:

        sudo mkfs.reiserfs /dev/mapper/crypt

    • And you can mount the new (encrypted) drive by entering:

          sudo mount /crypt

      If you get an error message that it cannot be mounted, make sure you have the target folder created (in this example it would be the folder /crypt)

          sudo mkdir /crypt
          sudo mount /crypt

      It should now work. You can, of course, use any target folder you like. Which brings us to the next step: protecting your privacy via encryption of your home space.

Using losetup

To begin we will create a file, this file will be then mounted as an ext3 and filesystem encrypted with some algorithm.

  1. The first step is to load cryptoloop:

        sudo modprobe cryptoloop && lsmod | grep cryptoloop

    •     cryptoloop              3584  1
          loop                   16264  2

  2.  sudo modinfo /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/crypto/* | grep description

    • On a regular Ubuntu-kernel you will see something like:

          description:    ARC4 Cipher Algorithm
          description:    Blowfish Cipher Algorithm
          description:    Cast5 Cipher Algorithm
          description:    Cast6 Cipher Algorithm
          description:    CRC32c (Castagnoli) calculations wrapper for lib/crc32c
          description:    Null Cryptographic Algorithms
          description:    Deflate Compression Algorithm for IPCOMP
          description:    DES & Triple DES EDE Cipher Algorithms
          description:    Khazad Cryptographic Algorithm
          description:    MD4 Message Digest Algorithm
          description:    Michael MIC
          description:    Serpent Cipher Algorithm
          description:    SHA1 Secure Hash Algorithm
          description:    SHA256 Secure Hash Algorithm
          description:    SHA-512 and SHA-384 Secure Hash Algorithms
          description:    Quick & dirty crypto testing module
          description:    Twofish Cipher Algorithm

  3. We will use the Twofish cypher to encrypt our 100mb file as filesystem:

        dd if=/dev/zero bs=1M count=100 of=mycryptofile

  4. We create the targetfile, a 100mb sized empty file. The next step is mounting the file with the losetup command using the twofish cypher (be careful, it will ask for a password, do not confuse this with sudo asking for a password. We just authenticated against sudo so sudo does not need a password. Use a new one, and remember it!):

        sudo losetup -e twofish /dev/loop0  mycryptofile

  5. Create the ext3 filesystem (we use ext3 because it is the best filesystem for smaller filesystem, while still having a journal):

        sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/loop0

  6. Make the directory where you want to mount the file system:

        sudo mkdir /mnt/cryptoloop

  7. And finally mount it:

       sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/loop0 /mnt/cryptoloop/

  8.     sudo umount /mnt/cryptoloop
        sudo losetup -d /dev/loop0

How do you start using it? Repeat step 4 and 7 (*not* 5, you’ll erase your data) to start using and step 8 to stop using your encrypted filesystem-in-a-file. BTW remember your password, if you forget it your data will be secure forever, for everybody.

You might want to write two function and an alias for these steps in your ~/.bashrc like:

    echo "mycryptofile /mnt/cryptoloop ext3 noauto,encryption=twofish,user,exec 0 0" >> /etc/fstab

Now you are able to mount/unmount the cryptoloop with a simple:

    mount /mnt/cryptoloop
    umount /mnt/cryptoloop
  • TODO

Too much information? Split into sections?

From AskoKauppi Tue Dec 21 14:01:50 +0000 2004
From: Asko Kauppi
Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2004 14:01:50 +0000
Message-ID: <20041221140150+0000@>

First of all, a great document, thanks.

Yes, it could do with some restructuring; I'd remove the (old) losetup section altogether, or at least move it to another doc. It only distracts here.

Also, the main 'thread' sort of has two solutions in one. Compare 'crypt', 'cryptohome', they're really the same thing?   First samples go with 'crypt', then move to doing essentially the same with 'cryptohome' and 'cryptoswap'. This was not so obvious at first?  Maybe add a "if you .. goto chapter .." to highlight this?

The only real issue (and this is Ubuntu code, not this doc) was:

1. Empty lines in /etc/crypttab

Currently, the /etc/init.d/cryptdisk script expects any non-data lines to be comments ('^#'). It should allow for empty lines, too:

grep -v '^#' < $TABFILE | grep -v '^[:space:]*$' | while read dst src key opt; do

Without this, empty lines in '/etc/crypttab' will cause weird "missing parameter" output in bootup. Non-destructive, but gives the "oops, all is not as it should!" feeling. Anyhow, this should be fixed?


From FrankHansen Fri Jan 14 19:40:14 +0000 2005
From: Frank Hansen
Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2005 19:40:14 +0000
Subject: Extra Partition?
Message-ID: <20050114194014+0000@>


just wanted to ask if I understand this: In the "Using dm-crypt" part I have to use an extra partition? Meaning: This doesn't work with a Ubuntu installation where Ubuntu uses all the space on my harddisc? And if so: Is there a workaround (like a loopback device with dm-crypt that a normal user can use without sudo-ing)?

From TobiasHunger Sat Apr 9 23:12:07 +0100 2005
From: TobiasHunger
Date: Sat, 09 Apr 2005 23:12:07 +0100
Subject: Re: Extra Partition?
Message-ID: <>

You can use any blockdevice with dm-crypt. This can be a partition on your disk, RAID or LVM as well as a file mounted loop-back. In fact the crypttab allows for file to be given and sets up a loopback device for it, passing that to the dm-crypt config program.


Another very useful howto, which looks easier for encrypting your home dir: [ here]

Hi Tobias,

u wrote:
"So long as you don't get too wild with the upgrades while using the encrypted partition you should have no troubles going back and forth into the unencrypted desktop. .. If you want to perform an upgrade to the system, just log into the "unprotected" desktop (ie reboot and press enter at the password prompt) and run the upgrade as normal. Then reboot again into failsafe mode (entering the passphrase when asked) and mount your encrypted userland to /zzz by entering the following:

  sudo umount /usr
  sudo mount -t reiserfs /dev/mapper/cryptohome /zzz

Now run the buildsafe script again."

I'm sure its a good solution, so if i understand it correctly: Everytime i do an upgrade, which is weekly or so, or everytime when i install a program, i would have to do this process of "rebooting (sounds like another OS i know:), mounten and running this script"?


 Great document.  Have you looked at encFS (  It runs on FUSE (, and it runs really great for me, plus it's easier to setup that DeviceMapper.  Well, easier that DeviceMapper seems.  I've used encFS a lot, but DevicerMapper not at all.



Just a suggestion,
echo 'some info' | sudo tee /etc/file/location
Is a way of echoing info without needing to 'sudo -i' or go root.
Love this guide btw. :)


this guide is of course already useful and I could use it to create encrypted partitions and also use them. However, using ubuntu, I do not end up with the solution that I wanted to have. Although I already got comments that it is not a good idea to create crypto partitions on external usb drives, it is still my most preferred way to protect at least the Linux data on an external hard drive. Using the information in this guide it is of course not a problem to create an encrypted partition on an external hard drive. However, what I do not manage to achieve with the information that I could get out of this howto with reasonable effort is: How do I get the device manger of KDE notice that there is an encrypted container on the usb drive. The only way how I mange to do this is actually to used the portioning tool of some SuSE distribution. There I just need to say that I would like to format a specific partition and activate the checkbox which says that the partition should be crypted, finished, and by some magic the KDE device manager recognizes the partition as encrypted container that I can open by clicking on it. At least for now it seems that I have to use a SuSE live CD to get to this to this state. It would be great if some body had the knowledge about the magic that is going on to include it in this howto.

Distro Release Upgrade

Here is an upgrade scenario that takes some of the pain away from doing a distro upgrade. It avoids the chicken and the egg problem with the zfs third party module. I attempted to do an upgrade of the system by selectively re-enabling the zfs third party repo after the release upgrade had disabled all third party repo’s. While the zfs was updated, when it came to re-building the dkms modules the kernel panicked and the upgrade failed miserably. (Having ZFS snapshots to rollback to was a god send)! Below is a way to do a relatively painless release upgrade.

  • Make sure ZFS repo supports the distro release you are upgrading to

  • Install the newer Ubuntu Desktop ##.## version you want to upgrade to on a bootable USB drive.
  • Boot from USB and ‘Try Ubuntu’ (If your system is using UEFI make sure to boot in that mode).
  • Open a terminal window; sudo -i

    apt-add-repository --yes ppa:zfs-native/stable
    apt-get update
    apt-get -y install ubuntu-zfs zfs-initramfs cryptsetup

  • Then open the encrypted target media, import the zpool’s, mount, chroot and upgrade.
    cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda2 root_crypt
    cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdb1 vault1_crypt
    cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdc1 vault2_crypt
    cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdd1 vault3_crypt
    (repeat for each additional luks container) ...

    zpool import -f -d /dev/mapper -R /mnt/zfs rpool
    zpool import -f -d /dev/mapper -R /mnt/zfs vpool

  • If using UEFI make sure to add mount /dev/sda* /mnt/zfs/boot/efi after mounting /mnt/zfs/boot sda* being the boot_efi labeled device.

    mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/zfs/boot
    mount -o bind /proc /mnt/zfs/proc
    mount -o bind /dev /mnt/zfs/dev
    mount -o bind /dev/pts /mnt/zfs/dev/pts
    mount -o bind /sys /mnt/zfs/sys

    chroot /mnt/zfs /bin/bash --login

  • (Optional) To reduce the upgrade time, I removed all previous and unused kernel versions to avoid delete/rebuild dmks for each kernel.
  • During the do-release-upgrade when prompted to confirm the disable of third party repo’s, before continuing, open another terminal tab and vi /etc/apt/sources.list.d/zfs-native-stable-raring.list and un-comment the deb. (Make sure the deb entry has the name of the release you are upgrading to).

    ln -s /dev/mapper/root_crypt /dev/root_crypt
    apt-get update
    apt-get dist-upgrade

  • If all goes well you can exit, unmount and export the pools. If all does not go well you can use zfs rollback to revert to a snapshot time before the upgrade and re-attempt with whatever things need to be tweaked.

  • Add umount /mnt/zfs/boot/efi if you are using UEFI boot.
    umount /mnt/zfs/boot
    umount /mnt/zfs/sys
    umount /mnt/zfs/dev/pts
    umount /mnt/zfs/proc
    umount /mnt/zfs/dev

    zpool export vpool
    zpool export rpool

  • Reboot, remove USB and enjoy your upgrade!

Encryption with Cryptoloop

WARNING! We use the cryptoloop module in this howto. This module has well-known weaknesses.


To set up Ubuntu the described way, you will need

  • internet access

Insert the KNOPPIX CD into your computer and boot. Set up KNOPPIX so that it is able to connect to the internet.

Setting up the harddisk

We need three partitions:

You can use fdisk to set up the partition table. The results should look similiar to

Disk /dev/hda: 20.0 GB, 20003880960 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 2432 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
/dev/hda1   *           1           2       16033+  83  Linux
/dev/hda2               3        2312    18555075   83  Linux
/dev/hda3            2313        2432      963900   82  Linux swap / Solaris
sudo badblocks -c 10240 -s -w -t random -v /dev/hda2
losetup -T -e aes128 /dev/loop0 /dev/hda2
mkreiserfs /dev/loop0
mkdir /mnt/ubuntu
mount /dev/loop0 /mnt/ubuntu

Installing Ubuntu

The installation procedure from KNOPPIX is described in Installation/FromKnoppix.

You need a different fstab. Instead of a normal partition, the device for the / mountpoint is /dev/loop0. The swap entry needs more arguments to provide encrypted swap.

/proc           /proc           proc            defaults                0 0
/sys            /sys            sysfs           defaults                0 0

/dev/hda1       /osloader       ext3            defaults,noauto         0 0
/dev/loop0      /               reiserfs        defaults                0 1
/dev/hda3       none            swap            sw,loop=/dev/loop1,encryption=aes128    0 0

/dev/cdrom      /mnt/cdrom      auto            user,noauto,exec,ro     0 0

After setting up the base system, install loop-aes-utils.

apt-get install loop-aes-utils

When installing the kernel and GRUB, quit the GRUB configuration assistent.

Setting up the OS loader

After installing the base system, we set up a small partition that mounts the encrypted root and kicks off init.

mke2fs -j /dev/hda1
mkdir /osloader
mount /dev/hda1 /osloader

Copy the kernel image there.

cp /vmlinuz /osloader/vmlinuz

We need to edit the mkinitrd configuration so that it supports loading the encrypted root partition.

First edit /etc/mkinitrd/mkinitrd.conf, set ROOT=probe to ROOT= since it would complain about our /dev/loop0 root.

Add some required modules to /etc/mkinitrd/modules:

mknod -m 600 $INITRDDIR/dev/loop0 b 7 0
mknod -m 600 $INITRDDIR/dev/hda2  b 3 2

mkdir $INITRDDIR/loopcheck

cat > $INITRDDIR/scripts/ << EOF

mount -nt proc proc proc

losetup -e aes128 /dev/loop0 /dev/hda2
mount -nr /dev/loop0 /loopcheck >/dev/null 2>/dev/null

while [ \$? -ne 0 ]
        echo "Try again."
        losetup -d /dev/loop0 2>/dev/null
        losetup -e aes128 /dev/loop0 /dev/hda2
        mount -nr /dev/loop0 /loopcheck >/dev/null 2>/dev/null

umount -n /loopcheck

# loop0 = 7, 0
echo 1792 > /proc/sys/kernel/real-root-dev
umount -n proc

chmod a+x $INITRDDIR/scripts/
chmod a+x /etc/mkinitrd/scripts/losetup

Now generate the initial ram disk with mkinitrd -o /osloader/initrd 2.6.10-5-386.

mkdir /osloader/boot
mkdir /osloader/boot/grub
default 0
timeout 0
title Ubuntu
        root (hd0,0)
        kernel /vmlinuz ro quiet splash root=/dev/loop0 acpi=off nolapic
        initrd /initrd

Install the MBR by running grub-install --root-directory=/osloader /dev/hda.

To make sure the osloader partition is clean, add a little check script to /etc/rcS.d/S00checkosloader.

if [ "`md5sum /dev/hda1`" != "`cat /etc/osloader_checksum`" ]

    echo "** FATAL SECURITY ERROR ************************************"
    echo "*                                                          *"
    echo "* The OS loader was modified!                              *"
    echo "* This could have leaked your encryption password. You are *"
    echo "* advised to install a new encryption setup.               *"
    echo "*                                                          *"
    echo "* Press Enter to boot up the system.                       *"
    echo "************************************************************"

    read junk
chmod a+x /etc/rcS.d/S00checkosloader
md5sum /dev/hda1 > /etc/osloader_checksum

Now exit the chroot, reboot and you should have a fully encrypted environment.

EXIT Chroot

You now need to install grub, run this command from the live CD

sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/crypt_root /dev/sda

That is about it, I do not think I forgot anything major. I can not fill in all the details of all your partitions as I do not know your layout and do not know how much or how little you know about /etc/fstab.

If you need further assistance or I forgot something post back or perhaps someone will chime in.

If all the seems overwhelming , well that is why people use the alternate CD, it automates the process.

Those links will have gentoo and arch specific information, which you can ignore as you are on Ubuntu. But they contain more detailed descriptions on how to set up LVM and your crypt, including examples of crypttab and fstab.

Hope that helps.

Creative Commons License

Author: James B. Crocker

I want to use a passphrase. How long does it need to be?

If you decide to use an hash of a passphrase or want to have an encrypted key that is unlocked by a passphrase then it is crucial to pick a long and strong one. As we have seen earlier it is close to impossible to guess the key itself, but an attacker does not have to do that if he can guess the passphrase.

Let us do some more exercises of the mind: Assuming a passphrase can be made up out of letters (both cases), numbers and a limited number of punctuation. This gives about 64 different characters that can be used. 64 different characters can be encoded in 6bits. So if you were using a single letter passphrase then a attacker would need to try a maximum of 64 times to get your key. If your passphrase consists of several random letters, then each one makes the efford 64 times harder! Using words instead of a random sequence of letters makes it significantly easier for an attacker, so do not do that unless you make the passphrase much longer (I recommend at least doubling the length!).

I decided on the key size now. How do I protect the key?

Protecting the key is vital: With it the attacker does have instant access to the data. So what can be done to protect this crucial string of bits?

  1. You can use a «one-time key» that is changed at each startup. These keys are usually created by reading /dev/Xrandom during dm-crypt setup. No key is stored this way and no passphrase needed, but this method can only be used on filesystems that can be formated at each reboot (like swap or maybe /tmp if you do not want to retain the information stored there). Using suspend to disk will be impossible with one-time keys used on the swap device.
  2. You can store the key on removable storage. That way it is only accessible when needed. Your data is in the open when the storage is stolen or copied.
  3. You can generate a hash value (== a pseudorandom number) from a keyphrase and use that as a key. The key is not stored on media that way at all, but you can not change the passphrase (a different key is generated then). All people with access to the encrypted data need to know this passphrase. This is a bit impractical in a multi user environment.
  4. You can encrypt the key. The encrypted key is stored on the computer with the encrypted device. You can change the passphrase by reencrypting the key with a different one and you can have several copies of the same key encrypted for several people.
  5. You can encrypt the key and store it on a removeable media.
  6. You can use smartcards, etc. This is the most secure option.

Unfortunately I do not have a smartcard reader, so I can not cover option 6.

A Bit of Theory

Please remember that any numbers used here are made up on the fly. They are meant as an exercise of the mind and to give a feeling for the numbers you are dealing with when using encryption. Do your own math based on your own data, habits and requirements if you need to rely on encryption: It is your data you are protecting and your problem should it get out into the open.

From what I know at this point in time the encryption routines employed by the Linux kernel are secure and trustworthy. I have not examined them in depth, so do not blame me if they are not. But this does not mean that your data will stay secure for all times once encrypted: If somebody discovers a flaw in the algorithm used, then your data might end up in the open. If somebody discovers a flaw in the implementation, then your data might end up in the open. If somebody comes up with a breakthrough in technology and/or math, then your data might end up in the open. If you are stupid and lose your keys, then your data will be lost unless somebody finds a flaw in the algorithm or implementation of the crypto engine or someone makes a breakthrough in technology or math.

You have been warned.

New installations of Ubuntu 12. 10 and later

During installation, check the checkbox “Encrypt the new Ubuntu installation for security”. See also the Electronic Frontier Foundation’s notes.

How to set up a fully encrypted disk with Ubuntu

This page describes a way to set up an Ubuntu installation with a encrypted root partition and encrypted Swap.

Encrypted file-systems

People store all kind of sensitive information on their computers, but much more sensitive information may be stored without your even realizing it in the form of cached web pages, cookies — even browser settings. Clicking «remember me» on a webpage is a convenient browser feature, but imagine a thief steals your computer and now has access to your ebay account, paypal, and everything else connected to your email address — possibly even your bank account information. This problem is magnified when using a laptop, since they are so very easy to steal or even just lose.

Encryption can address this issue. Keep in mind no solution is perfect and a determined intruder might still be able to find a way in. Using encryption, however, greatly reduces the chance of this happening (because if you don’t use encryption there is a chance your data is available to anyone who wants it — it’s a matter of fact).

Keep in mind that encrypting your data WILL lock it up in a reasonably secure vault. This means if you forget your passphrase you WILL be locked out. Likewise, if you write down your passphrase and stick it on a post-it note on your monitor you might as well not use encryption at all. Encryption is a method, not a black box solution to protecting your privacy.

Перенос системы


mkdir /tmp/root
mount /dev/mapper/root /tmp/root/
mkdir /tmp/root/boot
mount /dev/sdb1 /tmp/root/boot/

Скопировать корень системы на новый диск

rsync -AaHSxv / /tmp/root/

Команда rsync скопирует данные с сохранением всех прав.

Копирование с ключом x, это значит, содержимое каталогов примантированных в текущей момент к корню не будет скопировано в корень новой системы.

Будьте внимательны если /usr /home и т.п. каталоги у вас примантированны с других разделов.

Папка /tmp/root/dev/ сейчас пуста, необходимо создать устройства

mknod /tmp/root/dev/console -m 0600 c 5 1
mknod /tmp/root/dev/null -m 0666 c 1 5

Ядро новой системы

mount -t proc none /tmp/root/proc/
mount -o bind /dev/ /tmp/root/dev/
chroot /tmp/root/ /bin/bash

<note warning >
Переход в окружение новой системы

env-update && source /etc/profile

Настройки ядра будут немного отличаться:

  1. Все модули должны быть включены в само ядро

  2. Для возможности загрузиться, необходим образ initramfs, для этого нам и нужна утилита genkernel.

emerge sys-kernel/genkernel -av


Что бы genkernel не испортил текущий конфиг, своими настройками по умолчанию, мы укажем ему, что нужно использовать только наш конфиг, но для этого необходимо обязательно сделать копию.

cd /usr/src/linux
cp .config .config_my
genkernel --kernel-config=./.config_my --menuconfig all
General setup  --->
  [*] Initial RAM filesystem and RAM disk (initramfs/initrd) support

Device Drivers  --->
  Generic Driver Options  --->
    [*] Maintain a devtmpfs filesystem to mount at /dev
    [*]   Automount devtmpfs at /dev, after the kernel mounted the rootfs 
  [*] Block devices  --->
    <*>   Loopback device support
      <*>     Cryptoloop Support
    <*>   RAM block device support
  [*] Multiple devices driver support (RAID and LVM)  --->
    <*>   Device mapper support
    <M>   Crypt target support

-*- Cryptographic API  --->
  -*-   CBC support
  <*>   SHA224 and SHA256 digest algorithm
  <*>   SHA384 and SHA512 digest algorithms
  <*>   AES cipher algorithms
File systems  --->                                                                                                
  <*> Second extended fs support

После сборки ядра должны появиться файлы

gentoo linux # ls -la /boot/
итого 7319
drwxr-xr-x  4 root root    1024 Сен  7 13:44 .
drwxr-xr-x 21 root root    4096 Сен  7 10:12 ..
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 1676834 Сен  7 16:19 initramfs-genkernel-x86_64-2.6.38-gentoo-r6
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 3656720 Сен  7 16:19 kernel-genkernel-x86_64-2.6.38-gentoo-r6
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 2107782 Сен  7 16:19

Конфиг текущего ядра genkernel сохранит


и будет использовать его по умолчанию, поэтому в дальнейшем достаточно команды

genkernel --menuconfig all


По прежнему находимся в окружении новой системы

emerge sys-boot/grub -av

Установка загрузчика на sdb (это hd1)

>root (hd1,0)
>setup (hd1)
gentoo linux # blkid
/dev/sdb1: UUID="3ba6aaa8-c58b-48d7-a8eb-9a3062bf7514" TYPE="ext2" 
/dev/sdb2: UUID="4bce9506-2067-4642-878a-f13a36077179" TYPE="swap" 
/dev/sdb3: UUID="66482f3a-d8e4-47a0-8385-6b0a1ca9aefb" TYPE="crypto_LUKS"  # crypt_root
/dev/mapper/root: UUID="24222a99-f949-4e6c-9c9e-b1c73f1bf794" TYPE="ext3"  # real_root
title Gentoo Linux 2.6.38-r6
root (hd1,0)
kernel /boot/kernel-genkernel-x86_64-2.6.38-gentoo-r6 crypt_root=UUID="66482f3a-d8e4-47a0-8385-6b0a1ca9aefb" real_root=UUID="24222a99-f949-4e6c-9c9e-b1c73f1bf794" root=/dev/ram0
initrd /boot/initramfs-genkernel-x86_64-2.6.38-gentoo-r6

# Или так
#title Gentoo Linux 2.6.38-r6
#root (hd1,0)
#kernel /boot/kernel-genkernel-x86_64-2.6.38-gentoo-r6 crypt_root=/dev/sdb3 real_root=/dev/mapper/root root=/dev/ram0 udev
#initrd /boot/initramfs-genkernel-x86_64-2.6.38-gentoo-r6
  • Now, you use crypt_root=/dev/blah instead of real_root=luks:/dev/blah.


По прежнему находимся в окружении новой системы

# /boot = /dev/sdb1
UUID="3ba6aaa8-c58b-48d7-a8eb-9a3062bf7514" /boot       ext2    noauto,noatime  1 2
# / = /dev/mapper/root
UUID="24222a99-f949-4e6c-9c9e-b1c73f1bf794" /           ext3    noatime         0 1
# swap = /dev/sdb2
UUID="4bce9506-2067-4642-878a-f13a36077179" none        swap    sw              0 0

Partitioning the System

In order to build a properly protected system (the easy way) we need three partitions: a root, or / partition where everything else lives, a swap partition (encrypted), and a partition for our /home (which will actually be /usr/home). This means finding (or creating) three partitions during or after the installation of ubuntu. If you are putting ubuntu on its own disk this will be relatively easy. If you’re one of those undecided souls who cannot commit to making ubuntu your only desktop, this part may not be quite as easy. At any rate that comes under the heading «installation» and is the subject of another howto.

Here is an example of how you would partition the system in order to use the easy-does-it script:

    partition mount point fs type
    /dev/hda1      /       reiserfs 
    /dev/hda2      /zzz    ext2
    /dev/hda3      swap    swap

Note the partition called /zzz. This is important! The script will look for this later and convert it to /usr. Why don’t we make it /usr now? Because we want the system to be bootable even without the encrypted partition mounted. We will create the new /usr space, then swap it out from under the system like a three card monty dealer.

Assuming you now have your partitions created, let’s setup the encryption filters and launch the script.

First, the encrypted swap. This is incredibly easy (and a good example of why you should use the device mapper for encryption in ubuntu and stop using the old loopback system).

    sudo swapoff (to unmount the drive)
    sudo cryptsetup -d /dev/urandom create cryptoswap /dev/hda3
    sudo mkswap /dev/mapper/cryptoswap -L accessisdenied -v1

Keep in mind /dev/hda3 is only used here because it suits our example installation. Use whatever partition you set aside for swap during the installation we just covered.

The above line tells our system to use the linux random number generator /dev/urandom to create a random key for swap when we reboot. Now, like any digital system this isn’t really going to be completely random, but it’s close enough (we hope) and avoids having to enter an extra passphrase every time we reboot. There are other methods (like using /dev/video0 if you have a tuner card, or using external random number generators) but those are well outside the scope of this tutorial.

   sudo fdisk /dev/hda

In my case, I needed to reboot for the changes to take effect before issuing the cryptsetup and mkswap steps as indicated above.

   sudo fdisk /dev/hda

Note that we run it as root, and that it operates on the entire hda drive, not an individual partition. Inside fdisk, we are at the prompt:

   Command (m for help):

At this point, I could still back out of what I was doing by entering «q», which would quit and abort all changes; however, I knew what I did was correct and I felt comfortable continuing with the changes, so I entered «w» instead. This wrote my changes to the /dev/hda disk and exited. In my case, it warned me that I needed to reboot for the changes to take effect.

After rebooting, I issued the cryptsetup and the mkswap commands above, and I was ready to continue with the steps below.

   sudo umount /zzz - (again, make sure nothing's open to /zzz)
   sudo cryptsetup -y create cryptohome /dev/hda2

DO NOT forget this passphrase (at least not until you want to!)

So now we have both the «mapper» devices for our new system. All we need to do is configure it to actually use them after a reboot:

    sudo mkfs.reiserfs /dev/mapper/cryptohome - (follow the prompts)
    sudo -i
    echo 'cryptohome /dev/hda2' >> /etc/crypttab
    echo 'cryptoswap /dev/hda3 /dev/urandom swap' >> /etc/crypttab

And then to make the system mount these mapped encryption devices, we edit the file /etc/fstab. The friendly, non geeky way to do this is to open a root terminal (or sudo) and type «gedit /etc/fstab». You should see something like this:

  # /etc/fstab: static file system information.
  # <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>
  proc            /proc           proc    defaults        0       0
  /dev/hda1 /         reiserfs defaults 0 1
  /dev/hda2       /zzz            ext2    defaults        0       1
  /dev/hda3       none            swap    sw              0       0

We want to edit this file so it looks like this:

  # /etc/fstab: static file system information.
  # <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>
  proc            /proc           proc    defaults        0       0
  /dev/hda1 /         reiserfs defaults 0 1
  /dev/mapper/cryptohome /zzz     reiserfs defaults       0       1
  /dev/mapper/cryptoswap none     swap    sw              0       0

Note that all we did was change the «type» of our home partition to use the more advanced reiserfs, and changed the two «file system» entries to point to the mapped virtual devices instead of the physical hard drive partitions.

At this point we have done nothing that should alter your system’s ability to restart. So, restart your system and test it out! Don’t forget you will be prompted for at least one passphrase this time.

How does Linux encrypt my data?

Traditionally in Linux a beefed-up loopback device was used to mount a file. This loopback device then did de-/encrypt the data passing through to it. There were several different and incompatible versions of these loopback encryption engines, most supporting only one crypto algorithm.

Using Your Encrypted System

Now when you open Nautilus and look at the root of your file system you should see a few slight differences. Notice how the folders /home, /var, and /tmp now have link symbols on them. You will also see the old /zzz folder left behind there. (Don’t remove this, we’re not done with it.) Notice how your root reports xxxx amount of free space, but when you click into /home or /var it changes. There’s still a /usr partition on the other / partition, but it is mounted over or hidden when we enter the passphrase at boot.

If you just press enter at boot you will still get a desktop that works, but it will be the unprotected version. So long as you don’t get too wild with the upgrades while using the encrypted partition you should have no troubles going back and forth into the unencrypted desktop. Just keep in mind nothing is protected when you are using that other desktop — every image thumbnailed in every folder you click on, every website you have your system «remember,» every email you fetch will remain in that unencrypted space.

  sudo umount /usr
  sudo mount -t reiserfs /dev/mapper/cryptohome /zzz

Now run the buildsafe script again. It will see that the system has already been migrated and all the changes will be moved into your encrypted space.

Дополнительно:  Проблемы с сенсорной панелью в Windows 10 [решено]
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Master Hi-technology
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