Root для lineage os

LineageOS 17.1 is now official with 50+ supported devices. In the recent update the team has dropped their built-in SU.

Also, if you remember clearly, SuperSU zip is also not supported since few years. So, what now? How to root LineageOS 17.1?

So, the only rooting method left is Magisk.

How to ROOT LineageOS 17.1

how to Enable ROOT access on LineageOS 14.1/13 ROM

  1. Why do I need to Enable ROOT settings on LineageOS 14.1/13:
  4. How to Enable Root Access In Lineage OS 15.1
  5. #Download Super su for lineage os 15.1
  6. How to UnRoot Lineage OS 15.1
  7. #Download Super Su removal for lineage os 15.1
  8. How to Enable root for apps on lineage Os (Supersu zip)
  9. Как включить рут для приложений в ОС Lineage
  10. #2 Adaptive Icons
  11. #3 Updated Emoji
  12. #4 Notification Dots
  13. #5 Picture -In- Picture Mode
  14. #6 Google Play Protect and 2X Boot Time
  15. Download Lineage OS 15.1 For Samsung Galaxy Core Prime
  16. What is Custom ROMs On Android?
  17. Benefits Of Custom ROMs
  18. How To Install LineageOS 14.1 On Samsung Galaxy S8/S8 Plus
  19. STEP 1: Install Android SDK
  20. STEP 2: Install TWRP Recovery
  21. STEP 3: Download Magisk App
  22. STEP 4: Boot Device to TWRP Recovery
  23. STEP 5: Flash Magisk App via TWRP | Root Lineage
  24. About Chief Editor
  25. Sadique Hassan
  26. Method 1: Root LineageOS via LineageOS Recovery
  27. STEP 1: Install Android SDK
  28. STEP 2: Enable USB Debugging
  29. STEP 3: Download Magisk
  30. STEP 4: Boot to LineageOS Recovery
  31. STEP 5: Sideload Magisk via LineageOS Recovery
  32. STEP 6: Install Magisk
  33. Method 2: Root LineageOS ROM using Payload.bin
  34. STEP 1: Install Android SDK
  35. STEP 2: Download LineageOS ROM
  36. STEP 3: Extract LineageOS Payload.bin File
  37. STEP 4: Patch LineageOS ROM Stock Boot Image via Magisk
  38. STEP 5: Boot Device to Fastboot Mode
  39. STEP 6: Flash LineageOS Magisk Patched Boot.img via Fastboot
  40. About Chief Editor
  41. Sadique Hassan
  42. How to ROOT LineageOS 15. 1 ROM if there is no SU option for APPS in LineageOS 15. 1 ROM
  43. A Word of Caution before flashing Magisk!
  44. How to verify if you have an A/B device?
  45. Required Downloads to Root LineageOS 17
  46. How to Root LineageOS 17
  47. How to Flash Magisk to Root LineageOS 17.1?
  48. How to check if ROOT is enabled on LineageOS 17.1?
  49. Is ROOT not enabled by default on my LineageOS 15. 1 ROM?
  50. Why do I need ROOT access on LineageOS 15.1 ?
  51. How to ROOT LineageOS 14. 1/13 ROM if there is no SU option for APPS available in Developer Option
  52. How to Enable ROOT on LineageOS 15. 1 ROM
  53. Enable Developer Options on LineageOS 15.1 and then enable ROOT settings:
  55. How to ROOT LineageOS 16 ROM if there is no SU option for APPS in Developer Options
  56. Download LineageOS 16 SU binary zip file
  57. OFFICIAL LineageOS 16 SU binary download:
  58. External LineageOS 16 SU binary download:
  59. Install the LineageOS 16 SU binary zip file using TWRP recovery (or any custom Recovery):
  60. Enable ROOT on LineageOS 16 ROM from the Developer Options:
  61. How to Enable Developer Options on LineageOS 16:
  62. Is ROOT not enabled by default on my LineageOS 16 Android Pie ROM?
  63. Legacy LineageOS SU ROOT Support:
  64. Steps on how to Enable ROOT on LineageOS 14. 1/13 ROM
  65. Enable Developer Options on Android and then enable ROOT settings:

Why do I need to Enable ROOT settings on LineageOS 14.1/13:

I don’t know if you really know or not, CyanogenMod (and now it is LineageOS) was the first most popular custom ROM for android devices which comes with no bloatware (un-necessary applications). Also the LineageOS ROM has many in-built added features unlike stock Android ROMs (AOSP ROMs). With the ROOT access on your Android phone you can further change some more settings on your phone, for example: You can tweak build.prop settings, you can customize your boot animation, you can manually change CPU frequency settings, you can add your own init.d boot scripts etc. There are many more to add on to this list.

Root для lineage os

  • Make sure you’ve unrooted your device if you’ve it rooted earlier using any methods.
  • We need a custom recovery like TWRP to flash few files. Since you’re on this page, we hope you have a working custom recovery.
  • Take a nandroid backup of your current ROM just in case.



  1. Download the Magisk zip file, uninstaller and the SuperSU files on your device from above link.
  2. Now Reboot your device into recovery mode.
  3. Now you cane root your device with MagiskSU or SuperSU.
    • Fo installing SuperSU, flash the SuperSU in systemless mode. Then flash the Magisk zip on your device.
    • If you want to go with much integrated MagiskSU, just flash the Magisk zip.
  4. Finally Reboot your device.
  5. Once the device is turned on then download the latest Magisk Manager  to manage it.
  6. You device is rooted by now.
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Вы здесь: Как включить root на Lineage OS (cm14.1, cm14, cm13)

Здравствуйте. Обновился до последний версии Lineage OS (CyanogenMod) на своем стареньком Nexus 4 и SuperSU почему-то отказался работать. Решил не заморачиваться его восстанавлением, а просто включить стандартное CM’оское приложение для управления рутом. Для этого нам потребуется включить раздел настроек «Для разработчиков» для этого идем в настройки и открываем раздел «О телефоне».

Для этого нам потребуется включить раздел настроек "Для разработчиков" для этого идем в настройки и открываем раздел "О телефоне".

Листаем вниз и тапаем семь раз по строке «Номер сборки».

Листаем вниз и тапаем семь раз по строке "Номер сборки".

Возвращаемся на страницу настроек и видим, что появился пункт «Для разработчиков», открываем его.


Если переключатель в заголовке у вас выключен — включаем. И жмём ОК под угрозой изменения настроек.


Теперь листаем вниз и ищем пункт «Режим суперпользователя». Тапаем по нему.


Выбираем или «Только для приложений», или «Для приложений и ADB».


И снова жмём ОК, под угрозой использования суперпользователя.


Теперь при следующей попытке использования приложения, для которого требуется Root доступ, появится подобное окно.


Материал сайта

Today in this guide we will show you how to enable root access in Lineage OS 15.1 rom based on android oreo 8.1  without computer or PC.If you are facing problem in Root checker that is it is showing that Sorry! your Device not Rooted properly on Lineage OS 15.1 .

Root для lineage os

How to Enable Root Access In Lineage OS 15.1

1.Download  Super and place it in your device memory.

2.Then reboot your device into recovery mode.

3.Tap on “Install” in recovery mode and the select Super from your memory where you pasted it in 1st step.

4.Now After selecting the .zip file do “Swipe to confirm flash” at the bottom of the screen.

5.Once Flashed the Super su files reboot your device. 

6.Done! You successfully rooted lineageos 15 rom

#Download Super su for lineage os 15.1

How to UnRoot Lineage OS 15.1

1.Download  Su and place it in your device memory.

2.Then reboot your device into recovery mode.

3.Tap on “Install” in recovery mode and the select Super su from your memory where you pasted it in 1st step.

4.Now After selecting the .zip file do “Swipe to confirm flash” at the bottom of the screen.

5.Once Flashed the Super su Su files reboot your device. Done!

#Download Super Su removal for lineage os 15.1

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Today in this article you will learn How to Enable root for apps on Lineage OS. Lineage OS is the all new ROM released recently, after the death of Cyanogenmod. Just like CM Rom, Lineage ROMs are also pre-rooted ROMs.They come with root manager, but the root access is not active by default.You have to manually Enable Root Access on LineageOS.

Here is the guide on How to Enable root for apps on lineage Os (Supersu zip). ( Step by Step Guide ).Make sure you have Lineage ROM On your device.Guide  How to Install Lineage OS ROM on any device using custom recovery

  • Any LineageOS installed device.
  • Your device should be on any version of LineageOS.
  • Take a proper backup of your important data and files

How to Enable root for apps on lineage Os (Supersu zip)

Enable root for apps on lineage Os

  1. Download and transfer the SuperSU to your device internal memory. (download section)
  2. Now Boot your device into TWRP recovery.Guide  How To to Boot Into Recovery Mode On Android (Various Ways)
  3. Then Just Select Install and flash the SuperSUfile that you transferred in the Previous step
  4. Once flashing is done. Reboot your device.
  5. Done!!! Your Android device is now rooted

For confirmation, install Root Checker from Google Play Store and confirm the root privileges in your smartphone.

Aditya Verma

My name is Aditya Verma a student currently studying in 11th Class. I’ve one passion which is ‘Blogging’ I also serve as an author on different sites. I always try my best to keep you guys updated with all type of Tutorials and Tech related News.

Team Lineage наконец-то выпускает официальные сборки Lineage 14.1 для нескольких устройств Android, которые также официально поддерживались для выпусков CM14.1.

Хотя между сборками Lineage 14.1 и CM14.1 нет большой разницы, но новая ОС не полностью поддерживает root-доступ. В официальных сборках Lineage OS root-доступ разрешен только через ADB. Этого не было с ПЗУ CyanogenMod, где можно было выбрать root для Приложения и ADB или же Только приложения или же Только ADB.

Это было сделано в ОС Lineage по соображениям безопасности, поскольку наличие корневого доступа для приложений действительно очень опасно для вашей конфиденциальности. Грязное приложение с root-доступом может полностью управлять вашим устройством удаленно с доступом к каждому файлу.

К счастью, команда LOS также предоставила простой zip-файл надстройки SU, который можно прошить с помощью TWRP или восстановления Lineage OS, чтобы получить параметры корневого доступа для приложений.

ZIP-архив с надстройкой Lineage SU отличается для каждого типа процессора. Загрузите zip-архив, подходящий для вашего устройства, из раздела загрузок ниже:

    1. Загрузите и перенесите zip-файл дополнения Lineage SU по указанной выше ссылке в хранилище вашего устройства.
    2. Загрузите устройство в режим восстановления TWRP.
    3. Нажмите на Установить и выберите zip-файл надстройки Lineage SU, который вы передали на свое устройство на шаге 1.
    4. После выбора файла .zip выполните Проведите пальцем, чтобы подтвердить вспышку в нижней части экрана, чтобы начать процесс мигания.
    5. После прошивки аддона Lineage SU вы получите Перезагрузить систему вариант, выберите его.

Как включить рут для приложений в ОС Lineage

После того, как вы установили zip-архив надстройки Lineage SU, выполните следующие действия, чтобы включить root для приложений в Lineage OS:

  1. Включить параметры разработчика: Перейти к Настройки » О телефоне » Нажмите семь раз на номер сборки.
  2. Вернуться к Настройки главное меню и откройте Варианты разработчика оттуда.
  3. Ищу Корневой доступ настройку и установите ее на Приложения и ADB или же Только приложения, в соответствии с вашими потребностями.

Это все. Ваше устройство Android, работающее на ОС Lineage, теперь должно иметь полный root-доступ для приложений.

Если тебе когда-нибудь понадобится отключить root-доступпросто зайдите в Настройки »Параметры разработчика» Root-доступ и выберите Отключено вариант оттуда.

As Lineage OS 15.1 is based On Android 8.1 Oreo’s Source code, it has all the latest Android Oreo features and in addition to that Lineage OS also has some extra customization features.

Android 8.1 Oreo now comes with Autofill feature which was available in the Chrome browser until now. The feature, Auto Fill mode which means that the OS will save your Email Address as well as Password. This will save your precious time.

#2 Adaptive Icons

Now Android also added Adaptive Icons which means that the smartphone will now have an option to modify the default icons for various applications in many shapes such as squircle, square, rounded and others. This is done to ensure that the icons on different apps are in line with the other apps for uniformity purpose. This will make your phone looks cool and minimalistic

You may Like: How to get Android 8.1 Oreo Adaptive Icons feature on Android 5.0 and above

#3 Updated Emoji

In Android 8.1 Oreo, Google has once again updated the default emojis present in the Android OS to a blob-less emoji version rather than blob version which was seen on Android 7.0.There many new emojis are added to enhance your messaging experience

#4 Notification Dots

#5 Picture -In- Picture Mode

The picture in Picture mode which is also known as PiP mode is also added to Android 8.1 Oreo. This will be shown in floating window rather than the split-screen.

#6 Google Play Protect and 2X Boot Time

Thanks to the great optimization in Android 8.1 Oreo, the boot will now take 10 seconds to do so which is a significant improvement. (Previously 15-20 Sec.)

Above are some of the main features Android 8.1 Oreo (Lineage OS 15.1.0) comes with. But there are much more. Overall Lineage OS is the best Custom ROM available for Android.

  • Make sure the bootloader on your device is unlocked and your device is rooted and you have a custom recovery installed.
  • Make sure your device has more than 50% battery.
  • Make sure you have taken a backup of your important data.Now proceed To Install Lineage OS 15.1 On Samsung Galaxy Core Prime.

Download Lineage OS 15.1 For Samsung Galaxy Core Prime

  • Lineage OS 15.1 For Samsung Galaxy Core Prime
  • Download Official GApps For Lineage OS 15.1 ROMs
  • Download latest Magisk v13.5 supports Android Oreo | Android 8.1 (If you want root access)

Lineage OS 15.1 On Samsung Galaxy Core Prime

  • Make sure your device is rooted and have the latest TWRP recovery installed. (Check the Pre-Requirement Section Above)
  • First, download the files from the above link.
  • Now transfer the downloaded files to the internal storage of your device.
  • Now reboot to the TWRP recovery by holding your Armor and volume down buttons together for a few seconds.
  • Take a backup by selecting the option from the home screen and then your data and cache from the recovery menu.
  • Now select install and then browse for the downloaded ROM file and then select it.Next flash the Gapps file and then Magisk (optional).
  • Once the flashing process is completed, reboot your phone and you will be booted into Android Oreo 8.0.

If you have any doubts regarding this article, feel free to comment below.

What is Custom ROMs On Android?

Custom ROMs are based on Official Android source codes which are customized or developed by developers or a community of developers.Custom ROMs come with loads of extra customizations which makes them unique and popular among the android lovers.Remember,  Custom ROMs are not provided by Google or other mobile vendors but are developed and maintained by the community and its contributors.

Some example: Lineage OS (Previously known as CyanogenMod), Paranoid Android etc.

Benefits Of Custom ROMs

1) Vanilla Android (Pixel Style)

Most Of the AOSP Based Custom ROMs are bloatware free and have very close to the stock look and feel which makes them super snappy. These ROMs are very optimized for battery and performance.

2) Root Access

After rooting your device you can install different MODs, kernel, ROMs on your device.You can install latest Android updates (like the Android 6.0.1 marshmallow) On old device by installing third party ROMs like CyanogenMod 13. You can overclock the CPU and GPU of your device to get the best performance.You can hibernate any app you want.You can underclock the CPU to get better battery life.

3) Regular Updates

Most of the developers of the Custom ROMs provide a 4)regular update which is one of the best things about Custom ROMs.

Android is famous for Customization and Custom ROMs take this to another level.Unlike Stock vanilla android Custom ROMs come with various customization options.We are sharing few of them below

  • Users can enable or disable navigation bar
  • Users can customize navigation bar and Status bar icons
  • Some Custom ROMs come with different MODs
  • Some Custom ROMs come with Custom Kernels which allow users to Overclock or underclock the CPU and GPU.
  • Some Custom ROMs come with support for Third party themes
5) Battery and Performance

Most Of the Custom ROMs are very close to stock vanilla android in look.The Custom ROMs are very optimized which results in better battery life and smooth performance.

1) Make sure the bootloader on your device is unlocked and your device is rooted and you have a custom recovery installed.

If your bootloader is locked then out the guide here > How To Unlock Bootloader Of Any Android Using Fastboot.Some devices like Xiaomi and Huawei phones need a unlock code.

2) Make sure your device has more than 50% battery.

3) Make sure your device is rooted and have a custom recovery like TWRP Installed.

LineageOS 14.1 ROM for Samsung Galaxy S8 – Download

LineageOS 14.1 ROM for Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus – Download

How To Install LineageOS 14.1 On Samsung Galaxy S8/S8 Plus

Lineage OS 14.1 On Samsung Galaxy S8/S8 Plus

  • First, download the LineageOS ROM from above and save it in your device’s sd card
  • Now download the GApps file from given below and save it in your device’s sd card
  • Now select install and then browse for the ROM file and then select it. Next flash the Gapps file and then Magisk (optional).

Once the flashing process is completed, reboot your phone and you will be booted into LineageOS 14.1. That’s all you need to now about installing LineageOS 14.1 on your Samsung Galaxy S8/S8 Plus.

In this guide, we will show you the steps to root the LineageOS ROM using the TWRP Recovery. When we talk about custom ROMs, LineageOS is one name that needs no introduction of sorts. Earlier known as CyanogenMod, it has rightly carried forward the lineage in the right direction. Maintaining the equilibrium between features and stability, it has a huge segment of a loyal fanbase.

However, for some, this ROM doesn’t give much attention to tweaks and customizations. As a result, they prefer to step into the rooting territory. Doing so will also give you the opportunity to try out tons of mods such as Xposed Framework, Magisk Modules, Substratum Themes, etc. In this regard, there are two different methods to root this ROM.

root lineageos rom using twrp recovery

First off, take a backup of all the data on your device, to be on a safer side. The process also requires an unlocked bootloader, but since you are running a custom ROM, the bootloader would already be unlocked! Droidwin and its members wouldn’t be held responsible in case of a thermonuclear war, your alarm doesn’t wake you up, or if anything happens to your device and data by performing the below steps.

STEP 1: Install Android SDK

install adb platform tools windows

First and foremost, you will have to install the Android SDK Platform Tools on your PC. This is the official ADB and Fastboot binary provided by Google and is the only recommended one. So download it and then extract it to any convenient location on your PC. Doing so will give you the platform-tools folder, which will be used throughout this guide.

STEP 2: Install TWRP Recovery

Chances are most of you have flashed the LineageOS via TWRP Recovery and not using Fastboot Commands. So you would already have the TWRP custom recovery installed onto your device. However, if that is not the case, then please refer to our detailed guide to How to Install TWRP Recovery on Android. In short, use:

fastboot boot twrp.img //to just boot your device to TWRP for one-time usage
fastboot flash recovery twrp.img // for permanent flashing of TWRP to Recovery partition
fastboot flash boot twrp.img // for flashing TWRP to the Boot partition
fastboot flash boot_a twrp.img // for flashing TWRP to the A slot of the Boot partition

You may also carry out the steps using the LineageOS Recovery if you want. Or the tech enthusiasts could take this a step further and Replace LineageOS Recovery with TWRP!

STEP 3: Download Magisk App

STEP 4: Boot Device to TWRP Recovery

  1. To begin with, connect your device to the PC via USB cable. Make sure USB Debugging is enabled.
  2. Then head over to the platform-tools folder, type in CMD in the address bar, and hit Enter. This will launch the Command Prompt.
  3. Type in the following command in the CMD window to boot your device to TWRP:
    adb reboot recovery

STEP 5: Flash Magisk App via TWRP | Root Lineage

flash magisk twrp root lineageos rom

  1. Once booted to TWRP, go to the Install section.
  2. Then navigate to the Magisk ZIP file and select it.
  3. Finally, perform a right swipe to flash this file.
  4. Once that is done, you may reboot the device to the OS. For that, go to Reboot and select System.

So this was all from this guide on how to root the LineageOS ROM using the TWRP Recovery. If you have any queries concerning the aforementioned steps, do let us know in the comments. We will get back to you with a solution at the earliest.

About Chief Editor

Root для lineage os

Sadique Hassan

A technical geek by birth, he always has a keen interest in the Android platform right since the birth of the HTC Dream. The open-source environment always seems to intrigue him with the plethora of options available at his fingertips. “MBA by profession, blogger by choice!”

Method 1: Root LineageOS via LineageOS Recovery

If your LineageOS ROM comes with a built-in LineageOS Recovery, then this should be your go-to method to root the ROM via Magisk. So proceed ahead with the below steps to give it a try right away.

STEP 1: Install Android SDK

First and foremost, you will have to install the Android SDK Platform Tools on your PC. This is the official ADB and Fastboot binary provided by Google and is the only recommended one. So download it and then extract it to any convenient location on your PC. Doing so will give you the platform tools folder, which will be used throughout this guide.

install adb platform tools windows

STEP 2: Enable USB Debugging

Next up, you will have to enable USB Debugging so as to make your device recognizable by the PC in ADB mode. So head over to Settings > About Phone > Tap on Build Number 7 times > Go back to Settings > System > Advanced > Developer Options > Enable USB Debugging.

root lineageos rom magisk

STEP 3: Download Magisk

  1. Download the latest Magisk APK and transfer it to your device as well as the platform-tools folder.
  2. Then rename the Magisk.apk inside the platform-tools folder to lineageos rom magisk

STEP 4: Boot to LineageOS Recovery

  1. Connect your device to the PC via a USB cable. Make sure USB Debugging is enabled.
  2. Then head over to the platform-tools folder, type in CMD in the address bar, and hit Enter. This will launch the Command Prompt.
  3. After that, type in the following command in the CMD window to boot your device to Pixel Experience Recovery
    adb reboot recovery

    root lineageos rom magisk

STEP 5: Sideload Magisk via LineageOS Recovery

  1. From Recovery, go to Apply Update > Apply from ADB.root lineageos rom magisk
  2. Then type in the below command in the CMD window to sideload the Magisk ZIP
    adb sideload

    root lineageos rom magisk

  3. Wait for the process to complete.root lineageos rom magisk
  4. Once done, select Reboot System now.Root для lineage os

STEP 6: Install Magisk

  1. Even though you have flashed Magisk ZIP via sideload, it might still not be available in the app drawer.
  2. So go ahead and install the Magisk APK file that you have transferred in STEP 3. Once installed, launch it.
  3. As of now, Magisk will show NA next to Installed. So restart your device once again. Once it boots up, launch Magisk again.root lineageos rom magisk
  4. It will now ask to complete additional setup, tap OK. Your device will now automatically reboot.
  5. Once it boots up, the Magisk will be successfully installed and your device stands rooted via Magisk.

That’s it. These were the steps to root the LineageOS ROM via Magisk using LineageOS Recovery. If you have any queries concerning the aforementioned steps, do let us know in the comments. We will get back to you with a solution at the earliest.

Method 2: Root LineageOS ROM using Payload.bin

root lineageos rom magisk

If your LineageOS ROM didn’t come with a built-inLineageOS Recovery, then you will have to take the traditional route of flashing the Magisk patched boot.img to root your device. So proceed with the below steps to root the ROM using the patched boot method.

STEP 1: Install Android SDK

install adb platform tools windows

First and foremost, you will have to install the Android SDK Platform Tools on your PC. This is the official ADB and Fastboot binary provided by Google and is the only recommended one. So download it and then extract it to any convenient location on your PC. Doing so will give you the platform tools folder, which will be used throughout this guide.

STEP 2: Download LineageOS ROM

First and foremost, you will have to download the LineageOS ROM. It should correspond to your device and region and should also have the same version that is currently installed on your device. Once you have downloaded the ROM, it will be in a ZIP format.

lineageOS extracted ROM root magisk

Extract it to any convenient location on your PC. Doing so will give you around 4-5 files, including the most important payload.bin. We will now use this file to proceed ahead.

STEP 3: Extract LineageOS Payload.bin File

Just by simply extracting the ROM, you wouldn’t get the partition files (such as system.img, vendor.img, boot.img, etc). All these files are packed inside the payload.bin file, so you need to extract that.

lineageos extracted payload.bin boot.img root magisk

For that, please refer to our detailed guide on How to Extract payload.bin and get the stock boot image file. Once you do so, you shall get a few partition files in the Output folder. The boot.img file is all that is needed to root the LineageOS ROM using Magisk.

STEP 4: Patch LineageOS ROM Stock Boot Image via Magisk

  1. To begin with, transfer the LineageOS boot.img file (that you had just extracted) to your device.
  2. Then download and install the Magisk App onto your device.
  3. Launch it and tap on the Install button situated next to Magisk.
  4. From the Method section, choose Select and Patch a file.
  5. Browse to the extracted boot.img file and select it.
  6. Then tap on the Let’s Go option situated at the top right.
  7. Magisk will now load the boot.img file and will patch it accordingly. Once that is done, you would get the Download Complete message.
  8. The patched boot image file will be saved in Internal Storage > Downloads. The name of the file will be magisk_patched.img.

STEP 5: Boot Device to Fastboot Mode

  1. Connect your device to the PC via USB cable. Make sure USB Debugging is enabled.
  2. Then head over to the platform-tools folder, type in CMD in the address bar, and hit Enter. This will launch the Command Prompt.
  3. Type in the following command in the CMD window to boot your device to Fastboot Mode
    adb reboot bootloader

    oneplus 7 pro fastboot mode

STEP 6: Flash LineageOS Magisk Patched Boot.img via Fastboot

  1. First off, transfer the magisk_patched.img file from your device to the platform-tools folder on your PC.
  2. Then head over to this folder’s address bar, type in CMD, and hit Enter. This will launch the Command Prompt.
  3. Type in the below command in this CMD window to flash the patched boot.img file:
    fastboot flash boot magisk_patched.img
  4. Once done, you may now reboot the device to the OS via the following command:
    fastboot reboot

That’s it. Launch the Magisk App and you may now verify that the device is indeed rooted. So on that note, we conclude the guide on how to root the LineageOS ROM using Magisk patched boot.img but without using TWRP Recovery. If you have any queries concerning the aforementioned steps, do let us know in the comments. We will get back to you with a solution at the earliest. Moreover, now that you are rooted, here are some guides worthy of your attention:

About Chief Editor

Root для lineage os

Sadique Hassan

A technical geek by birth, he always has a keen interest in the Android platform right since the birth of the HTC Dream. The open-source environment always seems to intrigue him with the plethora of options available at his fingertips. “MBA by profession, blogger by choice!”

How to ROOT LineageOS 15. 1 ROM if there is no SU option for APPS in LineageOS 15. 1 ROM

There are OFFICIAL and UNOFFICIAL variant of LineageOS 15.1 SU binary available to ROOT LineageOS 15.1 ROM.

Download the suitable SU addon for LineageOS 15.1:

  1. Download and copy the LineageOS 15.1 SU Add-on ROOT binary package to your Android device. (Download from the downloads section)
  2. Boot your Android device into TWRP recovery or any other Custom Recovery you have installed.
  3. Then Just Select Install from TWRP home screen or similar option in other recovery and then select the LineageOS 15.1 su addon ROOT zip file that you have copied to your phone.
  4. Flash the LineageOS 15.1 SU addon ROOT zip file by Sliding the Swipe to Confirm Flash on TWRP screen or similar option in other custom recovery if you are using.
  5. Wait for the LineageOS 15.1 SU addon to be installed completely. Once the flashing is done just reboot your device.
    That’s all !!

A Word of Caution before flashing Magisk!

In A/B devices, the custom recovery is installed on boot partition as it lacks a recovery partition. When Magisk is installed, it also resides in the boot partition only.

When Magisk is flashed with the custom recovery, it may bring bootloop or some inconsistent behavior.
To avoid this issue, instead of flashing the recovery you can just boot from the custom recovery on your phone.

How to verify if you have an A/B device?

Enter to adb shell and execute the below command to know:

adb shell

If the result is true, then your device is using A/B partitions.
For example Google Pixel, OnePlus 6 uses A/B partition

If it does not return anything, then you have a A-only device.
Poco F1 and almost every Xiaomi phone uses A-only partition.

Required Downloads to Root LineageOS 17

To root the LineageOS 17.1 ROM you need to verify few things and need to install few. This list provides all the required resources.

  • LineageOS 17.1 ROM
  • Magisk Installer Download
  • TWRP recovery Download
  • Lineage Recovery Download
  • Download ADB
    ADB Installer for Windows
    Minimal ADB and Fastboot for Windows
    ADB Fastboot for Linux and MAC

How to Root LineageOS 17

There might be many ways of rooting LineageOS 17.1, but here I am going to write down only a single method, that is flashing Magisk SU zip using a custom recovery. If you are on an official LineageOS 17.1 then you may consider the Lineage Recovery to flash the Magisk or you can flash using the TWRP recovery.

For now, I don’t have a device with Lineage Recovery, so, I will write down how to flash MagiksSU zip using TWRP.

Flashing Magisk on your phone may cause bootloop. Nothign to worry as you can uninstall Magisk completely. But still before flashing anything on your phone, make a backup of everything.

I am not at all responsible if something happens to your phone.

How to Flash Magisk to Root LineageOS 17.1?

  • Download the Magisk Installer zip file to your phone
  • Reboot the phone into a custom recovery such as TWRP recovery or Lineage recovery
    Connect your phone, and execute the following command on your pc:
    adb reboot recovery

    Or you can power off the phone and then press and hold the Power button + Volume Up button to boot into the recovery mode.

  • If you have any PIN lock set on the phone then enter the same PIN on the TWRP (if it is asked) to decrypt the phone’s internal storage
  • Click Install > Select the Magisk Installer zip file > Swipe to confirm flash

    Install Magisk installer zip using TWRP

  • Once done reboot to system and you are done.

As a part of Magisk installation the Magisk Manager app should have been installed. If not installed for some reason, you can manually install the Magisk Manager APK manually. Use the app to manage Magisk related stuff.

How to check if ROOT is enabled on LineageOS 17.1?

Install the ROOT checker app to verify if your phone is ROOTED or not.

Is ROOT not enabled by default on my LineageOS 15. 1 ROM?

LineageOS is nothing but a CyanogenMod ROM and CyanogenMod had in-built root access since CyanogenMod 12 (The Lollipop Version) which was disabled by default. But this is not the same in case of a LineageOS ROM.

How to Root LineageOS 15.1
How to Root LineageOS 15.1

This guide will work ONLY on an Android phone installed with an OFFICIAL LineageOS 15.1 or an UNOFFICIAL LineageOS 15.1 Android Oreo build.

Why do I need ROOT access on LineageOS 15.1 ?

Most of the pre-loaded stock Android UI by OEMs except OnePlus, Google’s Nexus, Pixel devices and most of the Moto devices has many un-necessary extra apps installed which is called as bloatware. You take the EMUI by Huawei, TouchWiz by Samsung, MIUI by Xiaomi or any other similar they all have the same bloatwares installed.

I don’t know if you really know or not, CyanogenMod (and now it is LineageOS) was the first most popular custom ROM for android devices which comes with no bloatware (un-necessary applications), just the awesome stock Android experience.

Also the LineageOS ROM has many in-built extra features unlike stock Android ROMs (AOSP ROMs). With the ROOT access on your Android phone installed with LineageOS you can further change some more settings on your phone, for example: You can tweak build.prop settings, you can customize your boot animation, you can manually change CPU frequency settings, you can add your own init.d boot scripts etc. just to add a few.

How to ROOT LineageOS 14. 1/13 ROM if there is no SU option for APPS available in Developer Option

Download the suitable SuperSU binary provided by LineageOS team to flash on LineageOS 14.1/13 ROMs:
LineageOS 14.1 ARM32 SU download link for LineageOS 14.1 ROMs for ARM32 Platforms (all legacy phones are ARM 32-bit. I cannot say what legacy phones, you need to verify of your own)
LineageOS 14.1 ARM64 SU download link for LineageOS 14.1 ROMs for ARM64 Platforms (all newer phones are ARM 64-bit ARCH)
LineageOS 14.1 x86 SU download link for LineageOS 14.1/13 ROMs for Intel Platforms
LineageOS 13 ARM32 SU download link for LineageOS 13 ROMs for ARM32 Platforms (all legacy phones are ARM 32-bit. I cannot say what legacy phones, you need to verify of your own)
LineageOS 13 ARM64 SU download link for LineageOS 13 ROMs for ARM64 Platforms (all newer phones are ARM 64-bit ARCH)

  1. Download and copy the LineageOS 14.1/13 SU Add-on ROOT binary package to your Android device. (Download from the downloads section)
  2. Boot your Android device into TWRP recovery or any other Custom Recovery you have installed.
  3. Then Just Select Install from TWRP home screen or similar option in other recovery and then select the LineageOS 14.1/13 su addon ROOT zip file that you have copied to your phone.
  4. Flash the LineageOS 14.1/13 SU addon ROOT zip file by Sliding the Swipe to Confirm Flash on TWRP screen or similar option in other custom recovery if you are using.
  5. Wait for the LineageOS 14.1/13 SU addon to be installed completely. Once the flashing is done just reboot your device.
    That’s all !!

How to Enable ROOT on LineageOS 15. 1 ROM

The ROOT access settings are actually provided under Developer options in LineageOS 15.1 ROM. Developer options are the same as comes in stock Android Devices. So, you need to Enable the developer option on your android device first.

Enable Developer Options on LineageOS 15.1 and then enable ROOT settings:

Go to Settings. Click on About phone and then Tap Seven times on the Build number.

Here is a link explaining How to Enable Developer Options on your Android device running LineageOS 15.1 or any other Custom ROMs.

Now to enable ROOT, open Developer options and then scroll a little bit down on the Developer Options settings and look for the Root access setting, which must be showing Disabled.
Just click on the Root access and set it to Apps and ADB or Apps only or ADB only, as per your need.



Here is a video demonstrating how to enable ROOT access on CM13/CyanogenMod 13 but the same should work fine for the LineageOS 15.1 too:


Here are some screenshots for the above settings:
Enable ROOT on LOS 14.1/13 or LineageOS 14.1/13 Marshmallow/Nougat ROM

Here is a video demonstrating how to enable ROOT access on CM13/CyanogenMod 13 but the same should work fine for the LineageOS 14.1 too (as LineageOS 14.1 == CM14.1):

How to ROOT LineageOS 16 ROM if there is no SU option for APPS in Developer Options

Below are the key things that you have to do to enable ROOT on LineageOS 16 Android Pie ROM build:

  1. Download SU binary file for your phone
  2. Install the SU zip using TWRP recovery or any other custom recovery
  3. Go to developer options and enable the ROOT access for Apps or ADB or both, as per need

Download LineageOS 16 SU binary zip file

The SU binary file for LineageOS 16 build is available from LineageOS download and external sources built by developers.
Download the SU binary from LineageOS website. If not available or does not work, you can try with external SU binaries from other developers.

OFFICIAL LineageOS 16 SU binary download:

External LineageOS 16 SU binary download:

Install the LineageOS 16 SU binary zip file using TWRP recovery (or any custom Recovery):

  1. Download and copy the LineageOS 16 SU Add-on ROOT binary file to your Android phone. (Download from the above download links)
  2. Boot your phone into TWRP recovery or any other Custom Recovery you have installed.
  3. Then Select Install from TWRP home screen or similar option in other recovery and then select the LineageOS 16 su addon ROOT SU zip file that you have copied to your phone.
  4. Install the LineageOS 16 SU addon ROOT zip file by Sliding the Swipe to Confirm Flash on TWRP screen or similar option in other custom recovery if you are using.
  5. Wait for the LineageOS 16 SU addon to be installed completely. Once the flashing is done just reboot your phone.

Enable ROOT on LineageOS 16 ROM from the Developer Options:

  • Enable the Developer Options on LineageOS 16 ROM. If you have not enabled or don’t know how to do that, then follow the below to enable:

    How to Enable Developer Options on LineageOS 16:

    The ROOT access settings are actually provided under Developer options in LineageOS 16 ROM. Developer options are the same as comes in stock Android Devices. So, you need to Enable the developer option on your android device first before you can enable ROOT.

    Here is a link explaining How to Enable Developer Option on any Android phone.

  • Now to enable ROOT, open Developer options and then scroll a little bit down on the Developer Options settings and look for the Root access setting, which must be showing Disabled.
    Just click on the Root access and set it to Apps and ADB or Apps only or ADB only, as per your need.

Here is a video demonstrating how to enable ROOT access on CyanogenMod 13 but the same should work fine for the LineageOS 16 too:

Is ROOT not enabled by default on my LineageOS 16 Android Pie ROM?

Since LineageOS 15 the LineageOS team has decided not to put the SU binaries into the ROM by default. But the developer can build the ROM with ‘export WITH_SU=true’ command to put the SU binaries back to the ROM built-in.

How to ROOT LineageOS 16 - Android Pie ROM

Legacy LineageOS SU ROOT Support:

This guide is meant for an Android phone installed with OFFICIAL LineageOS 16 or an UNOFFICIAL LineageOS 16 Android Pie build.

This guide will also work on any other custom ROMs based on LineageOS 16 such as: Resurrection Remix Pie, crDroid Pie, AOKP Pie etc.

This guide may work on other Android Pie based custom ROMs too, but not guaranteed in anyway.
If it does not work for you, you can install the SuperSU Root zip.

Steps on how to Enable ROOT on LineageOS 14. 1/13 ROM

The ROOT access settings are actually provided under Developer options in LineageOS 14.1/13 ROM. Developer options are the same as comes in stock Android Devices. So, you need to Enable the developer option on your android device first.

Enable Developer Options on Android and then enable ROOT settings:

Go to Settings. Click on About phone and then Tap Seven times on the Build number.

Here is a link explaining How to Enable Developer Options on Android or LineageOS or any other Custom ROMs.

Now to enable ROOT access, open Developer options and then scroll a little bit down on the Developer Options settings and look for the Root access setting, which must be showing Disabled.
Just click on the Root access and set it to Apps and ADB or Apps only or ADB only, as per your need.

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