- Table of Contents
- The Root Mother — Boss description
- Attacks
- Tactics
- Possible rewards
- Remnant From The Ashes Bosses Guide
- Totem Father
- Undying King
- Claviger
- Singe
- The Ent
- The Harrow
- Dreamer/Nightmare
- Ixillis
- The Unclean One
- The Ravager
- Dream Eater
- Iskal Queen
- Earth Story Walkthrough
- Map & Map Notes
- The Subway Tunnels
- Defend the Root Mother
- Meet the Root Mother at Ward 13
- The Tarnished Ring
- Has Lost Everything To The Root
- Taken In By Ward 13
- Exploits Mentioned By Mud Tooth
- Earth Encounters
- Speak to the Root Mother
- Return to the Root Mother
- Loot the Church
- Paul DeMarco
- More Stories by Paul DeMarco
- A Perfect Example Of Souls-Like Story-Telling
- A Handy Merchant
- Sells Ring Of The Admiral
- A Familiar Voice
Table of Contents
After returning the Tarnished Ring to Reggie the player is rewarded with the Scavenger trait. Alternatively the trait can be obtained by naturally collecting a large amount of scrap while naturally progressing.
This can be a very useful trait early on in the game as it will allow the player to more quickly upgrade their equipment. Something that can give fans an initial edge against some of the game’s introductory challenges.
Remnant: From the Ashes possesses a limited narrative, but plenty of details and tidbits exist regarding reliable merchant Reggie.
One of the many characters the player will meet along their journey is Reggie. Reggie will initially come off as an unassuming merchant. However, a little digging from the player’s end will show a man with a complex backstory, with many fun facts and tidbits that the player may have missed their first time around.
I went through all the levels the game gave me, it brought me back to that giant tree that I can’t understand. I go one way that’s left it takes me to a sewer area where a guy is protecting a giant root shrine.
I kill him, nothing happens with the shrine. I have no idea where to go now
The place I’m in is called Marrow Pass. Besides that area I can go back to where I was before which has nothing or start the loop from the beginning again. What did I miss? I only beat one “boss” I guess the sniper guy
If you haven’t already done so, you can talk to the tree with the twisted maks. Or kill the tree for an armor buff trinket.
Anyway, since the game is randomized, no one can really help you. All I can say is open up your map and look hard for unexplored locations.
The Universe is a yawning chasm, filled with emptiness and the puerile meanderings of sentience. Why should you deserve special consideration above all else?
Have you already protected the Root Mama? If not you’ll have to find the subway and go through there to find her. If you already protected her, she’ll be back in Ward 13 by Reggie(items) and Ace(materials).
«I like big butts» — Sir Mix-A-Lot
Marrow pass is a side dungeon, exit it, open up map and look at where you have not explored.
Last update: 10 March 2021
This section of the guide to Remnant From the Ashes contains a detailed description of the Root Mother bossfight. You will find out what attacks the boss has, what battle tactics are suggested, and what secrets/rewards the defeated boss drops.
The Root Mother — Boss description
It is hard to call this a boss fight, because it is really the player who has to protect the supposed boss from being killed by The Root. After talking with the mother, the fight against The Root begins. The enemies’ main target is The Root Mother, not the player. We must protect her at all costs. The Root Mother must survive at least 2 minutes after the attack begins.
We will be attacked by three types of enemies — Devil, Slayer and Hulk.
At the very beginning of the fight, you will be attacked mainly by Devils. However, over time, Slayer and Hulk units will arrive. It is recommended to take care of the Devils as fast as possible. They are the easiest to defeat, and there are many of them, moreover, they are a great resource of ammunition. As for a Hulk, make him focus on you instead of The Root Mother. Once you do that, deal with him in the same way you dealt with Gorefist. Slayer, on the other hand, will stay away from you. He shoots triple series at a short time interval. If you were his target, shoot him several times in the head after performing a dodge.
Possible rewards
For Remnant: From the Ashes players who can’t seem to find her, here is where to go to find the Root Mother in the game.
Remnant: From the Ashes has a variety of important NPCs that players have to interact with if they hope to be successful in the game. One of these characters is the Root Mother, a Merchant that players have to unlock for their Ward 13 base by progressing in the story. However, some players may not know exactly where to find the Root Mother — both out in the game world and in Ward 13.
Since the dungeons in Remnant: From the Ashes are procedurally-generated, we can’t really provide directions to find the Root Mother. However, she is located at the Church, so once players manage to find that, they need to go inside and talk to her. After talking to the Root Mother, players have to defend her from waves of enemies for a certain amount of time. If they’re successful, the Root Mother will head to Ward 13.
Players are instructed to talk to the Root Mother at Ward 13, but Remnant doesn’t exactly provide an exact location for her. Luckily, she’s not too hard to find. To find the Root Mother in Ward 13, Remnant players need to go to west of the checkpoint room (the room with the giant crystal). This is where some other merchants are found, with the Root Mother just down the short flight of stairs.
The reason why the Root Mother is so important is Remnant is because she is how players can upgrade their Dragon Heart. As long as players have 10 Lumenite Crystals and 1 Simulacrum, they can go to the Root Mother and get an additional Dragon Heart. For the uninitiated, the Dragon Heart item in Remnant is the game’s equivalent to an Estus Flask from Dark Souls, so it’s very important for anyone who wants to succeed at the game.
Upgrading the Dragon Heart is one of the key ways Remnant players will succeed in the game. They will have to upgrade other aspects of their characters as well, though. For example, they will need to upgrade their weapons and armor with Forged Iron, and they will also want to spend Trait Points to improve their base stats.
Remnant: From the Ashes is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.
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Remnant From The Ashes is an aRPG third-person shooter from Gunfire Games. It’s available for PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4, and released on August 20, 2019. The game contains a variety of unique bosses that you encounter throughout the story mode and adventure mode. This Remnant From The Ashes bosses guide gives an overview of each boss in the game.
Remnant From The Ashes Bosses Guide
Each boss has unique skills that are used throughout the encounter. Several bosses have alternate kill methods to obtain different kinds of loot.
Totem Father
Totam Father is a Pan boss located on Yaesha in The Tempest Court. You can select which drop you want by shooting the totem before going into the encounter. Shooting the sides of the totem will change the color of it.
Undying King
Undying King is a Basha boss located in the Undying Throne on Rhom. The entrance to this area is behind the Monolith near entering Rhom. You will need to Howling Key from Claviger or The Hallow to get to him. Fighting Undying King is optional depending on if you give him Guardian’s Heart or not.
Claviger is a Basha boss located on Rhom in the Loom of the Black Sun. He can be found in The Spindle, and he is one of two bosses for the sequence to get the key to the Undying King. The other possible boss is The Harrow.
Singe is a Root boss located on Earth in The Ash Yard. He is one of two possible boss spawns per world roll, the other one being The Ent. You can choose to destroy his tail to kill him in the alternate way.
The Ent
The Ent is a boss located in The Choking Hallow on Earth. He is one of two bosses spawns, so you will only see The Ent or Singe during each world roll.
The Harrow
The Harrow is a boss located in The Bunker on Rhom. Him or Claviger are the two bosses you encounter for getting the key to the Undying King.
The Dreamer/Nightmare is the final boss of the base Remnant From The Ashes game. You can find this boss in Ward 17. There are two phases to this one, and you will want to target the chest on Nightmare and the Head on Dreamer.
A good strategy is melting the Dreamer as soon as possible with a strong single-shot weapon like the Hunting Rifle or Sniper. In phase two, you’ll periodically be teleported into The Abyss.
Killing enemies in The Abyss will grant you damage stacks, but the longer you’re in there the more damage you take. Kill 5-10 enemies and go into the portal to escape, and then cast a buffed up Hive Swarm to melt him.
Ixillis is a boss found on Corsus located in The Grotto. This boss is optional if you decide to kill the Undying King. During the fight, a second Ixillis spawns making the encounter much more difficult. You have the option of killing them both at the same time or focusing one down first. Killing Ixillis will grant you Guardian Heart no matter which way you kill him.
The Unclean One
The Unclean One is a boss located on Corsus inside of The Shack. You can find him sharpening his weapon, and you have the option of killing him in one of two ways. His attacks are very slow and easy to telegraph, but they will hit you like a truck. He also spawns adds throughout the fight but ends up killing them himself if you just kite them around.
The Ravager
The Ravager is an optional boss located in The Ravager’s Haunt on Yaesha. Either this boss or Totem Father will spawn on your world roll. You can choose to fight this boss or avoid him by solving a puzzle which plays a lullaby and makes him passive.
The Root Mother is an NPC you encounter in the Church of the Harbinger on Earth. She is actually an NPC you need to defend during an encounter. She appears in Campaign Mode as you come across the church. After finding her, you defend her from hordes of Root. She’ll move into Ward 13 after defending her successfully.
Dream Eater
Dream Eater is a boss added with the Swamps of Corsus DLC. He glitches in an out of reality, allowing him to teleport around his sanctum and create illusions. Shooting the illusion causes them to despawn instantly and launch orbs at you.
The Barbed Terror is a boss added to the game in the Swamps of Corsus DLC. You will find him in the Needle Lair within the Throne of Barbs on Corsus. Some people refer to him as the needler because his primary attack is shooting needles out of the wall.
Iskal Queen
Iskal Queen is the main boss of the Swamps of Corsus DLC. She is located on Corsus within the Iskal Sanctum. Interacting with the queen grants you the Cryptolith Sigil. This item can be redeemed for Labyrinth Armor, a set introduced in Swamps of Corsus.
Earth Story Walkthrough
Now that you’ve found the Subway Entrance, you need to use it! Your next task is finding and speaking to the Root Mother. The Founder, in the note you found in Founder’s Hideout, mentioned that the Root Mother is «in the old church past the subway tunnels.» Well, here are the subway tunnels.
The subway tunnels are, as with the other zones in the game, randomly generated. Whatever particulars your game generates for you, It is a very simple, linear path. Your goal is simply reaching the end alive so you can find and defend the Root Mother.
Map & Map Notes
As explained in the Introduction, maps are randomly generated so showing you the map you will see in game is not possible. However, here’s a map that shows you the relationship between places you’ll go in this section:
You’ll move under the streets through the subway tunnels and emerge at The Church of the Harbinger, where the Root Mother awaits. She is connected, quite literally, to the Root. She sits on her throne of roots, which has grown around her and encased her. She can—and will—help you, but not while she is connected to the Root. Until she frees herself, the Root know everything she knows and hear everything she hears. The Root won’t let her go willingly, though. As she struggles to free herself, you must protect her from an onslaught of Root enemies. Once freed, the Root Mother says she will meet you and speak to you back at Ward 13. She needs to rest and knows the way, so you must go back without her.
The Subway Tunnels
Enter the tunnels and move (carefully) through the first section. There is a checkpoint at the halfway mark rest. Rest up there then work your way through the remainder of the tunnel. You’ll eventually reach the exit that leads up to The Church checkpoint in front of the Church of the Harbinger.
As you move through the subway tunnels, make sure you keep an eye on the ceiling! Ash Devils hang from it at almost every turn, waiting to drop down and ambush you. Sometimes, they hang around in pretty large groups, so beware.
As you’re trying to fight off those devils, tougher enemies take advantage of the distraction. Flame Devils, Hulks, and Howlers are common. Stalkers are also regular encounters in the subway tunnel, so beware! Bandages will help you stop the bleeding that several of these elite enemies inflict.
Defend the Root Mother
You meet the Root Mother at The Church of the Harbinger just outside the subway tunnel exit. Again, she can’t help you until she’s free and the Root do not want that to happen. As she struggles to free herself from her throne of roots, you must keep the Root away from her. Their primary target is the Root Mother, and they’ll absolutely kill her if you let them. Keep them focused on you and kill them as quickly as you can. Don’t wander too far away from the Root Mother or they’ll swarm and kill her.
Enemies, starting with a few devils at a time, will pour in through the side windows. Each wave will get a little harder so be prepared. After the first couple of waves, Slayers and Hulks will start joining the fight. If you have it, the Rattle Weed weapon mod is very useful here. Use it to draw the Root away while you heal and reload, then pick off enemies as they attack the Rattle Weed. Once the Root Mother frees herself, she releases a concussive wave that destroys any remaining enemy and ends the fight.
Once you’ve defended the Root Mother, don’t forget to explore the church! It’s a simple layout, but its rooms offer some valuable rewards.
After the fight, leave the sanctuary through the door to the left of the Root Mother’s throne. That takes you into a hallway that leads to two offices. In the first one, you’ll find a journal that fills in the story of the Root Mother and her reasons for joining the Root.
Take what you want from the offices, then walk to the end of the hallway to some stairs that lead down to the basement. There are some lockers against the right wall with some wooden pallets stacked in front of them. Look closely and you’ll see an item in the right-hand locker. Smash the pallets to access the locker and take the Sniper Rifle.
Head back upstairs and check the garden for a treasure chest.
Meet the Root Mother at Ward 13
Once you’re done looting the church, continue along the path the Root Mother showed you. That’s the hole in the sanctuary wall that leads into the cemetery. Walk through the cemetery down the alley to the gate that leads to Westcourt. Exit the map to find and activate the Westcourt checkpoint. Use the checkpoint to return to Ward 13.
Once back at the ward, you’ll find the Root Mother in the large room with the various vendors (Reggie, Ace, and Scribbles). She stays in the booth just past Scribbles. Speak to her and she’ll tell you a couple of important things. First, she can upgrade the Dragon Heart to add an additional use. Second, she tells you you need to find the Founder.
There’s a catch, though. The Founder went to the Labyrinth, a hub between many worlds. There’s no telling where the Founder is now, but maybe the Keeper of the Labyrinth can help you. That’s your next task: find the keeper of the Labyrinth.
The Tarnished Ring
Reggie seems to have quite the affection for rings. During the players adventures through Earth, there is a good chance they will come across an item called the Tarnished Ring.
After finding this item many assume it to be an accessory, however it in fact is an heirloom belonging to Reggie. Returning the ring will provide the player with the Scavenger trait and insight into Reggie’s tragic past.
Has Lost Everything To The Root
The Root is a destructive and all-consuming race that has succeed in wiping out much of humanity. In this war of annihilation many have lost their homes and their loved ones, Reggie happens to be one of those many.
Without spoiling too much Reggie has lost those closest to him and his family home, before the events of the game, he had lost everything he held dear, and was left wandering earth, barely surviving.
Taken In By Ward 13
Many players who are focusing on getting right to the action may not even notice how tragic Reggie’s story really is. Initially Reggie seems to be a happy merchant operating within Ward 13.
While for many players on their first run through it may seem that Reggie has always been in this comparatively decent situation the reality is that he was taken in by Commander Ford after a long period of survival on his own in the dangerous and frightening outside world.
Exploits Mentioned By Mud Tooth
While exploring the ruins of the Earth city, the player will most likely run into Mud Tooth, a merchant, sniper, and former gang leader. Most players seek out Mud Tooth for his unique consumable (Mud Tooth’s Stew), which next to weapon mods and armor is the best way to reduce stamina usage in the game.
If the player chooses to chat with Mud Tooth, they will have a chance to hear what the former Mud Dog thinks of Reggie and the other inhabitants of Ward 13.
Earth Encounters
This encounter is a major plot point in the story as well as a swarm fight. It is always on Earth after you exit the subway tunnels, and it is where you first meet the Root Mother.
To earn the rewards, you’ll need to accomplish three tasks:
Speak to the Root Mother
Your first task on entering the church is speaking to the Root Mother. The Root Mother is a strange character, an apparently human woman who sits on a throne of roots that has grown around her and. She has very literally been «plugged into» the Root. She’s willing to help you defeat the Root, but she can’t while she’s connected. All that she sees and hears, the Root sees and hears. The Root knows everything she says, so she is can’t speak freely while she’s encased in this throne.
She will free herself so she can help you, but the Root do not want that to happen. They’ll kill her rather than let her go with their secrets. As she struggles to free herself from her throne of roots, you must keep the Root away from her. She’s the Root’s primary target and, if you let them, they’ll absolutely kill her. Keep them focused on you and kill them as quickly as you can. Don’t wander too far away from the Root Mother or they’ll swarm and kill her.
It takes the Root Mother two minutes to free herself. There’s a timer on the right side of the screen so you can keep track. You don’t really need to, just keep killing Root until the fight’s over. As the Root Mother breaks loose, she releases a concussive wave that destroys any remaining enemy and ends the fight.
Return to the Root Mother
After the fight is over, look back to the throne to see it shattered and the Root Mother sitting, exhausted, on the floor. She’s free!
After you speak with the Root Mother this time, the quest is complete and you receive your reward.
Loot the Church
Once you’ve defended the Root Mother, don’t forget to explore the church! It’s a simple layout, but its rooms offer some valuable parts of your reward.
After the fight, which takes place in the sanctuary, leave the sanctuary through the door to the left of the Root Mother’s throne. That takes you into a hallway that leads to two offices. In the first one, you’ll find a journal that fills in the story of the Root Mother and her reasons for joining the Root.
Paul DeMarco
Paul is a hardcore Call of Duty fan, but also enjoys a good survival battle royale game like Fortnite or PUBG. He’s been a gamer since 2005 and doesn’t plan to stop any time soon.
More Stories by Paul DeMarco
After rescuing the Root Mother players will find that many residents of Ward 13 do not appreciate her presence. Her connection to The Root makes her at best unsettling, and at worst, outright suspicious to the denizens of Ward 13.
Reggie is different. He views her with kindness, and is simply happy that the Ward can provide her with safety and shelter. These feelings are most likely influenced by Reggie’s own experience of being taken in by Ward 13.
A Perfect Example Of Souls-Like Story-Telling
The major common factor regarding the stories of these great games is the subtlety of their world building. These are not games which will throw the entire story right into the players face, but will in a much more methodical way, leave little tidbits of optional information for players to find (or completely miss) in their play-through. Reggie’s deep, yet almost hidden backstory, is the perfect example of this kind of story telling.
NEXT: Remnant: From The Ashes- 10 Alternative Boss Kills
A Handy Merchant
Reggie like many other characters found in Ward 13, is a merchant. His wares differ in the sense that he mostly peddles consumables. What Reggie has on offer changes based on the player’s progression in the story. As the player goes further along, more diverse and higher quality goods become available for purchase through Reggie.
The most useful item that can be purchased from Reggie is the Orb of Undoing, which allows the player to re-spec their character. The Orb of Undoing becomes available to the player once they have defeated the game’s final boss.
Sells Ring Of The Admiral
Despite it’s usefulness the Orb of Undoing is not the most interesting item that Reggie has to offer. That title goes to the Ring of the Admiral, one of Remnant from the Ashes most unique accessories.
The Ring of the Admiral provides players with a 15% increase in damage dealt, however this comes at the cost of a whopping 300% increase in damage taken. A ring that should only be wielded by daring players who find even the most difficult parts of the game to be a little too easy.
A Familiar Voice
Fans of Telltale’s The Walking Dead series may have noticed something familiar about Reggie’s voice. This is because Reggie is played by Dave Fennoy, the same voice actor that portrays Lee Everett, the main protagonist in the similarly apocalyptic game series.
In addition to playing Lee in The Walking Dead, Fennoy has had many other roles, namely in other Telltale games, and has established himself as a prolific voice actor in the video game industry.